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You Gotta Know When To Walk Away...
By » trashandsuicide on Tue Feb 7, 2006
This little rant has been spinning around in my all too active head for quite some time now, and I'm not entirely sure if it bears being brought into solid form right away, but I figure, hey, I should get this off my chest. If for no other reason then to let some of this stuff out of my head. So...
P.L.U.R. ‚ Dumbass
By » trashandsuicide on Thu Nov 17, 2005
We all know the origin of PLUR, love it or hate it. Use it as your own personal life philosophy, or dismiss it as new wave hippie bullshit. That choice is up to you. Peace Love Unity Respect According to the popular story, the phrase was coined by Frankie Bones. According to legend, a fight...
The Trick of That Dating Thing (Mostly Aimed at Males)
By » trashandsuicide on Tue Oct 11, 2005
This is a slight commentary on the "Being Twenty-Something" Article. With more specifics of being twenty-something and dating (and partying). I thought I had everything figured out last year. I was marrying the woman I loved, sure I was only in my early 20s, but who cares? When something's right...
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