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Billy Kun
Billy Kun
Location:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Description:Could the series of ostrich head trophies be the cause of so much commotion at this hangout for über-hip residents of the Plateau? Modern but dingy, it's a low-key atmosphere. However, the cacophony of chatter often drowns out the minimalist techno or ambient beats. On Thursdays a live Jazz trio plays.
Events [ 22 Total ] [ Show Flyers ]
2010-01-23     0    Party! International Student Edition
2007-02-26     0    Dave O'Brien
2007-02-04     0    Dave O'Brien
2007-01-20     0    Dave O'Brien
2007-01-14     0    Dave O'Brien
2007-01-06     0    Dave O'Brien
2006-12-17     0    Dave O'Brien
2006-12-02     0    Dave O'Brien
2006-11-26     0    Dave O'Brien @ Bily Kun
2006-11-10     2    Dave O'Brien
2006-11-01     0    Dave O'Brien
2006-10-17     0    Dave O'Brien
2006-10-08     0    Dave O'Brien
2006-09-24     0    Dave O'Brien
2006-09-21     0    Dave O'Brien
2006-08-16     0    Dave O'Brien
2006-08-12     0    Dave O'Brien
2006-03-04     0    Mini
2006-01-28     1    MightyKat
2006-01-14     0    Dave O'Brien @ Bilu Kun
2006-01-11     6    Mini
2005-07-13     0    Dj Emmanuelle (Bran Van Recordings)
Miembro Comentarios
» FrancSois dicho @ Sun Dec 31, 2006 @ 10:28pm
Y a-t-il de la place pour danser? Personnellement, devoir être collé à une chaise pendant que de sérieux rythmes font que mes jambes me démangent... c'est pas mon fort !