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Title:Lonely is better right now.
Posted On:2008-04-14 22:30:13
Posted By:» MunchinSushi
This is getting really sad. I haven't been back in Ottawa for twelve hours yet and I'm already feeling the stress. I just snapped at my ex because he asked me what time we have court in the morning. I'm so frustrated with him and the whole male population right now. I don't care who you are, If you are a guy I dislike you so much right now.

Those of you I used to love, get this through your thick skulls!: I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE! Will I go out with you again!? Hell no, exes are exes for a reason, I'm tired of having my heart trampled on because I am weak enough to believe your sorry ass when you say you still love me.

To those I loved but you didn't give me the time of day, Thank you. you showed me that I am worth way more than you could ever give, You're self centered and make me sick.

Those that purposely avoided me, Flat out plain and simple Fuck you. Grow up, be men and tell me that you aren't interested instead of letting me tag along, thinking that something might happen.

To the one that has captivated my heart over and over in the last few weeks, Thank you for showing me true beauty. You don't know how much I appreciate it, but seriously... Give me some sort of clue! I need a CLEAR indication! One second I see you as completely being the one for me but then at other times I don't know what to think. Yes, ok, when we talk I say flat out that I totally like you but were always joking. I'M NOT JOKING!!! I really do like you! I don't just say it to hear myself talk. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and P.S. When you say that I'm gonna get the chance to see you, please be reliable. I ask you to hang out AWAY from the scene so that I can actually have a conversation with you without having to yell and be cut off by other people that don't have the respect to wait til were done talking to cut into the Convo.

To D, Ya you get the use of your name. STOP critisizing me! When we were together you knew that I am not good with remembering exact times for appointments. When I tell you I think 2:00 It's because that's what I THINK! I can't be more clear than that! When you ask me the day before and I correct myself on the time and say 10:00 why the hell do you feel the need to ask me so rudely, "well, why did you tell me 2 then??" I could have said fuck it and let you be late and find out yourself, Did I?? NO, why?? Because I wanted to besure you didn't show up late. GET OFF MY CASE FOR MAKING A MISTAKE! I am NOT perfect, I know it, you don't need to belittle me because I'm not.

To the rest of you, please don't do anything in the next few hours to bother me.

That is all

/end rant.

Listening To: Life in Mono - Mono
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