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Title:Butterman's all-time (L8T 90s, Y2K, post) favorite adult film female stars/performers
Posted On:2008-02-14 13:31:46
Posted By:» Butterman
Butterman's all-time (L8T 90s, Y2K, post) favorite adult film female stars/performers:

1) Tiffany Mynx
Without a doubt my all-time favorite queen of porn! I strongly doubt her place as my number one will ever be threatened, even though alot of post Y2K recent talent seem hell-bent on making sure they are the latest (& greatest) of all time. But all of them can try, they can't even come close to Tiffany, who's career I fanatically (or close enough) followed since 1992. I'm the guy who first came on the industry with the saying "You're either a Jenna Jameson fan or a Tiffany Mynx fan."

2) Olivia Del Rio
This beautiful french-speaking latina from Brazil was a "lust at first sight" phenomenon. As soon as I saw her in a magazine photoshoot, I was instantly hooked on her unique latina looks & charms, unable to properly function when gazing into her eyes. I quicky began to hunt down her DVD appearances and slowly began to accumulate quite a few titles, including non-American produced material. Could have been number 1 if Tiffany Mynx did not exist!

3) Julia Taylor
Hungarian red-head was unknown to me by name, but upon my very first porn searches in those early days of the internet (in the 90s), I knew I had to find out who she was, and what DVDs she appeared in. It took me a few years but I finally managed to find a handful of releases which effectively secured her position in my top favorites. Could have been number 1 if Tiffany Mynx did not exist!

4) Carmen (aka Carmen Vera, Carmen Sanchez, etc...)
Born in Spain, and barely able to speak English, this latina speciality doesn't have any trouble to communicate. I often get blasted by poor sods who put me down claiming Carmen is "ugly", but it was her unique beauty which first attracted me to this latina hottie. PLus "they" say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and there's no "accounting" for tastes. In any case, Carmen would have been my top star if not for Tiffany Mynx & Olivia Del Rio!

The following are NOT in prefered order; I just listed them as they popped in my head as I was improvising this list!

5) Jenaveve Jolie
A recent arrival (in my standards of course) to the USA adult film biz, this latina (Mexican?) beauty is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen grace the screen. Although many have complained at the fact she isn't often paired up (in scenes) with top talent, just her looks is enough to get my attention to full attention! I hope she'll stay active for years to come!

6) Eva Angelina
A recent arrival (in my standards of course) to the USA adult film biz, I first noticed Eva in her first few scenes where she would wear her glasses during her scenes, often getting them "messed up" by the end of the scene! She quickly became a favorite after a mere couple scenes, and I just can't get enough of this little firecracker's on-screen enthousiasm. Viva La Eva-Lution!

7) Kitty
USA born & bred of obvious asian decent, Kitty represents everything which I am usually NOT attracted to in terms of women & female performers. However, Kitty's unique looks make more than an impression, and rarely leave anyone without comment. Although not my prefered physical type, Kitty is a wonderful & truthful little sprite who's performances are almost as hard to track down as Carmen.

8) Katsuni
A french (parisian) asian-looking petite woman with a gorgeous face (nose, eyes) and killer "petite" body frame, Katsuni is well known to fans of asian women. She had to change her name recently due to a semi-scandal involving "non-porn civilians". Katsuni may appear small but her unbelievable antics and ability to perform what others refuse to do is enough to garantee her place amongst my treasured favorites!

9) Charmane Star
Looking like a mixture between asian and caucasian, Charmane is quite a beauty to behold! I first discoverd her in Jules Jordan productions such as "Flesh Hunter #5" and "Weapons Of @ss Destruction #3" for example, and was quickly hooked on her natural beauty. Friends of mine have also commented on how particularly apealing she is. I just wish there was more of her releases readilly available in Canada!

10) Belladonna
At first I was taken aback by her big and not-subtle tattoos, but then again I was always attracted to tattooed ladies myself. Then I began to follow her career more closely, ecery step making me appreciate this wonderful lady that much more. I even found myself attracted to her when she had a shaved head! Belladonna is also amongst the only female performers who make lesbian/girl on girl features watcheable by myself! Hail Belladonna!

11) Angela Crystal
I really don't know much about this blonde european import, except that she appears exclusively with her off-screen hubby in hetero scenes. Most of her available releases are USA products, and therefore not that difficult to track down. She's quite a beautiful woman for a blone (I don't usually go for blondes), and I keep hoping she'll eventually pair up with other studs in the industry like Peter North or Jules Jordan.

12) Lyla Lei
Here is another asian-like cutey whom I fell in "love" the first time I laid eyes upon her. Although to many, her features aren't "traditionally" asian enough, but to a guy like myself, her unique look is what attracted me to her in the first place! She has a beautiful face (I love her eyes and nose!) and she has a natural flair to her performances. I do hope she will stay active in the adult biz for years to come!

13) Sabrina Maui
Here is a particular asian beauty who originally did not tickle my fancy, until I saw a blistering scene opposite Jules Jurdan in "Flesh Hunter #4". After that scene I was hooked, as Sabrina wasn't just a beautiful asian woman, but delivered very heated performances, enough to make sure she would have a special place reserved in my DVD collection. Scope out any of her releases should you require any proof!

14) Crystal Rae
Although I am usually not attracted to blondes, and particularly not to the Californian type, Crystal Rae is the exception to that rule. Her long legs, beautiful face (nose, eyes) and easy going attitude won me over the first few times I actually took the time to watch her perform. I used to get her mixed up with Cindy Crawford and Lauren Phoenix, but after a few choice viewings of her performances, the similarities ended.

15) Lauren Phoenix
I guess I fell for this beauty when I discovered two facts about her: a) she is Canadian (from Alberta), and b) she's 5'11" tall! Her natural beauty assures her regular appearances in various releases from almost all producers/distributors, and her on-screen presence is quite a force to be reckoned with! Pick up any title available out there and chances are she'll be in at least once scene. I hope Lauren will remain active for many years to come!

16) Lucy Lui
She's actually known as Lucy Lee, but there is also another Lucy Lee, a european brunette caucasian, with whom one can easily get confused! Lucy Lui has a very asian look to her, and quite a particular one which may proove hit or miss to some, but deffinatly works for me! She's an energetic performer who rarely flinches at anything her co-stars throw at her! Hope she stays active for years to come!

17) Avena Lee
This very pretty asian-looking lady is often billed as part latina, which adds to the confusion of trying to hunt down her releases on DVD. Good thing she is not known under various other pseudonymns, only Avena Lee, and she is difficult to forget. I first noticed her through various pictures & short clips on the internet, and she slowly creeped up a couple of notches in my favorites after seeing her in those "Deep Throat This" DVD titles

18) Katja Kassin
This gorgeous german import is the perfect example of what I look for in a prefered performer; natural breasts, bubbly butt, beautiful face, and a no-hold-barred attitude during her on-screen performances! Her profesionalism and personnae come off on screen with her ease & comfort in from of a camera. I once heard she said that bubble butts like hers weren't appreciated in her German homeland, which makes me wonder how could anyone not appreciate her! She's quite simply GREAT!

19) Arianna Jolle
One of the first ever trully "nasty" brunettes I recall noticing upon my return into porndom; Arianna isn't just another run-of-the-mill brunette, she's an energetic, strong attitude filth talking beauty who does everything you can think of, and then some. I love the way she always seems to take charge of the situation during her scenes. How often can you trully say that the woman was in total control of the G-B she's appearing in? You gotta love her!

20) Rita Faltoyano
At first I wasn't sure about this naturally beautiful (& "bountyfull" !) european lady. But after a few samplings of a handful of scenes, Rita quickly became one of my prefered european imports. Catch her in Zero Tolerance releases for her american material, or her previous efforts under the PRIVATE line, where she prooved she had everything it took to become a major star in the buisness! I hope she stays active for many coming years!

Listening To: Panasonic "KESTO" 4-disc CD album