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My Ex
By » Xombie87 on Thu Jan 19, 2006
All my ex does is piss me off, everyday, everytime i am around her she talks about all the guys she tried to replace me with, how many guys want to get with her. It is depressing and the funny thing is that she knows that i dont like hearing that shit from her. When i am around, she pisses me off...
My Destroyed Life
By » Xombie87 on Tue Jan 17, 2006
Fucking Bitch, all i know now is that fucking girls dont mean it when they say that they love you its all a bunch of Bull shit i mean if they did they wouldnt cheat on you or rip your fucking guts out. I get why they always want to be freinds when they Stab you in the back and Rip your fucking...
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