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Events Calendar - September 22, 2007
Vagitron U! [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Sep 22, 2007 @ 10:00pm
Description:Just when you thought it was safe to go back to partying, we come along and just fuck up aaaaaaall yooooouuuuur shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

featuring your edumacators:

JORDAN DARE Neon, Voyeur
His photo was taken at a pub crawl, I swear. Ok that may not be true, but he IS covering his face because he agreed to play this gig without realizing what we're all about. Sucka!

DJ BIND Spartan
We weren't supposed to use this picture, but after careful consideration, we just couldn't resist. I mean, you just can't manufacture that genuine look of pure joy the way Bind can. Just looking at him gives you that feeling of cold death you had back in college.....awesome.

COREY K Major Geek
Corey got his ass kicked not once but twice immediatly after this photo was taken. That'll teach him....trying to look all good and stuff. DORK!

MAYDAY The Professor
We were supposed to have glasses and an apple for Mayday to make her look more like a hot teacher, but we were all so worried about our own outfits that we forgot, and now she just looks hot. oh well.

Vadah Boy showed up with this outfit already on, so we ditched the initial idea of making him prom queen and went with broke-ass football star instead.
Room 1:
Corey K - thesession.ca - The Session
DJ Bind - www.djbind.com - Hot Mess, Vagitron!
Jordan Dare - Turbo Recordings
Mayday - www.djmayday.com
MC Vadah Boy

[ www.myspace.com ]
Added:Sun Jul 29, 2007 @ 12:35pm by » dj_bind
Modified:Sun Sep 2, 2007 @ 1:22pm by » Corey_K
Events Calendar - September 22, 2007
26 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Miembro Comentarios
» DaPUZZLER dicho @ Sat Sep 22, 2007 @ 10:40pm
Humm drunkness!!
» Bunnytronix dicho @ Sat Sep 22, 2007 @ 10:28pm
» SourUltraFast dicho @ Sat Sep 22, 2007 @ 5:50pm
agree with peril!
» JasonBeastly dicho @ Sat Sep 22, 2007 @ 4:28pm
If you get a heavy McGill crowd taking this whole thing too seriously do you realize how obnoxious things could get? I propose all the nerds get together with their hundred sided dice and take on the jocks. D&D&B.
» OEWER dicho @ Wed Sep 12, 2007 @ 10:28pm
Should be a good night, like student party sex drug and drum n bass.... go go go go go go go go
» SeismoLogick dicho @ Thu Sep 6, 2007 @ 9:27am
haha... your twins or what ;P
» eLDee dicho @ Wed Sep 5, 2007 @ 2:36pm
me and melo's b-day bash oh-oh!
» DocFunk dicho @ Thu Aug 30, 2007 @ 12:24pm
Go Team Go!
» no.name dicho @ Wed Aug 29, 2007 @ 12:58am
fuck yeah!