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Events Calendar - February 10, 2007
Teranga session with Leon Louder [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Sat Feb 10, 2007 @ 10:00pm
Description:The Teranga sessions are dedicated to the best in Deep and funky house+the classic sound of Chicago,San Francisco and New-York.Our first guest will be no other than local up and comer Leon Louder.

Saturday February 10th
Teranga sessions at the Academy
4445 St-Laurent
Music by Leon Louder
Hosted by the Soulmeka Family
5$ cover before 12.30 and 8$ after
3$ drinks before Midnight
Added:Thu Feb 8, 2007 @ 6:43pm by » uzibee
Events Calendar - February 10, 2007
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