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Events Calendar - April 28, 2007
Access Granted [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Ontario, Toronto
Time:Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 8:00pm
Description:Toronto Groove Collective, with Break Forth brings you a intimate night of electronic music, with 4 Dj’s and a Live Electro acoustic act by Jon Pattel!!

Come early at 8pm and see Spiritually Minded doing some of his very own music integrated with live drums and digereedoo!! Ending it off in the downstairs lounge with an amazing set of Drum n Bass.

There will be lots of other stuff going on, visuals by Kathryn Yang, Mexican Artwork from Culture Connex!!
Extras:<a href=" accessgranted.jpg"> <img src=" ccessgranted.jpg"width=75% hieght=75%></a>
Added:Thu Apr 26, 2007 @ 8:08pm by » Avegas
Events Calendar - April 28, 2007
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