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Events Calendar - December 22, 2009
Its All About The Indistry [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Tue Dec 22, 2009 @ 10:00pm
Description:This tuesday, December 22 at Club Opera is the Christmas Industry Party!!! All the staff will be from different night clubs. I will be reprensenting TONIC CLUB LOUNGE :)
The person who brings the most people will win a cash prize..! So plz come encourage me..!!
I have passes or could get you guestlist..!!!

For Infos or guestlist, just text me or send me a message through facebook..!!


Music by:
King Richard (house set)
Vito V (house set)
& the one and only...The Notorious Dj Quest for the best of hip hop & R&B..!!
Added:Wed Dec 23, 2009 @ 1:04pm by » Nuclear
Events Calendar - December 22, 2009
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