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Events Calendar - June 14, 2007
NCV Release party @ Mix Thursday [ Static Link : iCal ]
City:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Time:Thu Jun 14, 2007 @ 10:00pm
Description:On June 14, NCV launches its first release on CD, NCV 01 with a party at Saphir Night Club, 3699 St. Laurent BLVD. The first in a sequence of releases titled 'The BubbleWrap Series', NCV01 is what NCV labels an Underground Release, one that can only be found in select record stores or sold hand-to-hand. The idea is to make this release unique, mysterious, and precious, hence the protective bubble wrap packaging. The exterior is a reflection of the music: bouncy, stripped down 4/4 driven dance music that aims to pump knees and feet up and down all night long. NCV 01 features
two tracks, one by in-house producer, Max Miles, and the other by Deliz. All tracks obliterate typical dance music influencesand are infused with NCV's raw, straight to your head, down to your toes thump-pumped kicks, hits, and licks..... Translation? Atypical dance music that induces abnormal movements.

for more info [ ]
Extras:Le 14 juin, NCV lancera son premier CD, NCV 01 dans le cadre d'une soirée au Club Saphir, 3699 St-Laurent. Le premier d'une série intitulée «La série BubbleWrap», NCV01 est qualifié d'underground, pouvant être trouvé seulement dans certains magasins de disques ou vendu directement par une personne.

NCV 01 présente deux pistes, une par Max Miles et l'autre par Deliz. Ces pistes effacent les influences de la musique dance typique et sont enrobées de la signature unique de la musique brute de NCV.

Pour plus d'informations, voyez le site [ ]
Added:Mon Jun 11, 2007 @ 2:22pm by » davesob
Events Calendar - June 14, 2007
Miembro Comentarios
» dicho @ Thu Jun 14, 2007 @ 2:05am
comment ca jordan dare mix au saphir ET au parking le MEME soir?
» dicho @ Wed Jun 13, 2007 @ 12:24pm
on va se gâter sur le poteau
» Eve-Hill dicho @ Wed Jun 13, 2007 @ 12:06am
» davesob dicho @ Tue Jun 12, 2007 @ 3:31pm
2 words: BUBBLE...WRAP....