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Posted by » soyfunk on Sun 18 Jan, 2004 @ 11:34pm
Posted by » soyfunk on Sun 18 Jan, 2004 @ 2:18pm
the real McCoy
Posted by » soyfunk on Sat 17 Jan, 2004 @ 11:35pm
lookin good steve lookin good twerk it bwoy
Posted by » soyfunk on Sat 17 Jan, 2004 @ 11:18pm
dino/mike would like this
Posted by » soyfunk on Sat 17 Jan, 2004 @ 2:22pm
i agree. i got some myself.
Posted by » soyfunk on Sat 17 Jan, 2004 @ 2:21pm
i agree. bush is just a fucken puppet anyways
Posted by » soyfunk on Mon 12 Jan, 2004 @ 12:51am
nice! like the little subtle touches on the type are the bottom and how those lables are worked into the background. hope the print (if applies) will do it justice!
Posted by » soyfunk on Mon 12 Jan, 2004 @ 12:42am
aww... AWWWWWWW!
Posted by » soyfunk on Sun 11 Jan, 2004 @ 9:37pm
Posted by » soyfunk on Fri 9 Jan, 2004 @ 1:16am
Posted by » soyfunk on Fri 9 Jan, 2004 @ 1:16am
thats cool man!
Posted by » soyfunk on Fri 9 Jan, 2004 @ 12:28am
she gets a 10 for the widest belt
Posted by » soyfunk on Fri 9 Jan, 2004 @ 12:26am
Posted by » soyfunk on Fri 9 Jan, 2004 @ 12:23am
Posted by » soyfunk on Fri 9 Jan, 2004 @ 12:22am
Posted by » soyfunk on Wed 7 Jan, 2004 @ 3:11pm
look at those hills. really nice!
Posted by » soyfunk on Wed 7 Jan, 2004 @ 3:10pm
that dark building on the left is dope!
Posted by » soyfunk on Wed 7 Jan, 2004 @ 2:55pm
niceee an oldsmobile. that's the whip im driving someday.
Posted by » soyfunk on Mon 5 Jan, 2004 @ 11:24pm
it looks nice with the panties on *kiss kiss*
Posted by » soyfunk on Mon 5 Jan, 2004 @ 11:22pm
holy moly! that's amazing!
Posted by » soyfunk on Mon 5 Jan, 2004 @ 11:19pm
geronimo thought you were really a junky
Posted by » soyfunk on Mon 5 Jan, 2004 @ 11:18pm
great lips tho.. *kiss kiss*
Posted by » soyfunk on Fri 2 Jan, 2004 @ 8:55pm
lmao! yasmines shades... too rill too rill
Posted by » soyfunk on Thu 25 Dec, 2003 @ 4:28am
*deep breath* AHHHHHH! enchanting Cortes island. This is a view from my "camp" basically where i slept every night on the beach gazing at the infinit stars in the sky with my buddy Travis with who i never really talked but everything was in perfect communication. we built drums shells together, built an INSANE raft and took turns stoking the fire. pure lazy beach bumming time with never having to chop any wood cause there's was ample drift wood sitting around. In the far distance lies the totally desolate and unhabitat part of island... the mountains never stop for as far as you can see. it was on some lord of the ring type shit. luckily no cougars ever venture to our part of the beach (Hanks beach in Manson's landing). Nobody ever disturbed us there. It was fucken great. i built a xylophone type instrument out of drift wood and we made music all day while eating blackberries folded into white bread roasted over the fire. we called em blackberry struddles.
Posted by » soyfunk on Wed 24 Dec, 2003 @ 3:59pm
Posted by » soyfunk on Wed 24 Dec, 2003 @ 3:59pm
retarded face.. LMAO!
Posted by » soyfunk on Wed 24 Dec, 2003 @ 11:18am
nice bum
Posted by » soyfunk on Tue 23 Dec, 2003 @ 6:55am
awwwwww aaaaawww AWWWWW!!
Posted by » soyfunk on Tue 23 Dec, 2003 @ 12:55am
at longbeach i met a bunch of australian and japanese surfers. we built this HUGE bondfire our of logs... it was at least 10 foot high and the flames at 15. fucken nice! these dudes recognized my walking staff which i purchased in Mt-ayers in Magog... that was hometown of these guys (small fucken world) so they let me sleep in the couch in the living room of their motel room. it's quite normal to meet quebec peeps out west.
Posted by » soyfunk on Tue 23 Dec, 2003 @ 12:54am
so i get a ride into tofino after waking up in a infotourism center's washroom floor halfway to town. tofino was so fucken boring so i decided to take a nap sitting down on a bench in front of the co-op, wake up and said "FUCK THIS PLACE". I get a ride in this van and nobody is talking to each other. apparently they were going to pick up some herb and while one dude was collecting the money and ran to the sellers shack i started talking with this australian couple (hitchikers) that was sitting in the back. laters talk with the driver and found out where were going. here i am at longbeach... hehe funny how you only get picked up by rides that you're meant to get picked up by. this other hichthiker on the ride had the most amazing story about his travels in southamerica... he told me about this journey cause my walking staff remind him of the one he had to abandon in mexico. he was a shaman.
Posted by » soyfunk on Tue 23 Dec, 2003 @ 12:53am
Hope (B.c) i been through this town twice. the local kids in this town are coolest peeps around. they're so used to greet travellers like me passing through town. this is a picture from a little park where i was gearing up before i was gonna start hitching out of town. the previous night i was sleeping on a gazeebo where the kids were telling me about meth-heads running around at night in a certain part of town... oh yeah this is exactly the place where they film RAMBO PART ONE!!! WICKED!!! oh yeah... don't be surprised about hearing DnB in the most random spots of B.c, there's tons of DJ's in these little random town... like Cortes' population is 500 and there's probably 50 Dj's and they all play Dark Dnb/breakcore/idm type shit.
Posted by » soyfunk on Tue 23 Dec, 2003 @ 12:50am
i fell in love with the arbutus trees and thats where i kept all my gear. we left our stuff there for two days straight and nobody was ever around to fuck with it. sometimes we'd find people on our beach but people on this island are too righteous to fuck around. ahh yes arbutus tree; beautifull wood, bright red berries and the crimson red bark peels off like paper. beautifull! sometimes at sunset we hitched a ride to Smelt Bay where all the locals gathered to watch the sun go down. We'd have a fire going and sleep right beside it everynight never have to worry about rain... cause fuck.. this place is always beautifull. wake up early enough every morning to check trash for beer bottles before the parc maintenance dude got em heheh
Posted by » soyfunk on Tue 23 Dec, 2003 @ 12:48am
these lousy picture can't capture the intensity of the colours of sky at dusk or dawn. I have vivid memories of walking along this narrow "path" going back and forth to Manson's Landing where me and Travis did all our berrypicking, exploring the rest of island ( there was even a castle!!) and pop bottle collecting for the scrilla. this path was on some lord of the ring type shit... one time we even had to walk on it in pitch darkness. all i was able to see was my feet on the dirt path or the sky through the trees when i looked straight up. amazing! someday i'll be back under the purple fushia skies before the stars come out to dance in Cortes... =)
Posted by » soyfunk on Tue 23 Dec, 2003 @ 12:46am
bad picture. to get to our part of Hank's beach you had to walk/climb/Ninja these crazy ass rock formation cliffhanger steez. it was dope. I spent so much time meditating sitting on patches of moss ontop of these rocks. one time coming back from Manson's landing we met this woman sitting there. i exchange smiles with her while Travis was telling her about this cliff diving spot. me and travis get to our drum making business. we turn around later and she's swimming naked in the water. SHE WAS AMAZONIAN HOT!!! first female i saw in a while apart from nasty old lady that worked at the store in town... what am i saying there were tons of hot chicks out there and they're all healthy yoga, rawfoodist, free-spirit types. DUDE SHE WAS NAKED!!! but i tried really hard not to look and feel pathetic just cause she was there. oh well...
Posted by » soyfunk on Mon 22 Dec, 2003 @ 11:29am
people in these parts of brittish columbia as blessed every single morning with the most beautifull views of these wicked ass mountains. unfortunatly i don't have any picture from Nitnat on vancouver island where i never saw a single baldheaded eagle... I'D SEE TWO OR THREE BALDHEADED EAGLE AT ONCE. nitnat was fucken dope.
Posted by » soyfunk on Mon 22 Dec, 2003 @ 11:07am
long beach (tofino) it's crazy watching the tide... and NOT watching the tide. I was sitting ontop of this huge rock formation... island sort of thing enjoying the sounds of the ocean. this was the west coast of vancouver island and i coudn't go any further west unless i jumped in the ocean... i don't know how to swim so i decided instead to just sit there and look far into the horizon where lies my motherland somewhere across the sea. around the rock formation the tide brought up at least waist-high of water. i was screwed but it was fun trying to keep a 40Kilo backpack dry.
Posted by » soyfunk on Mon 22 Dec, 2003 @ 11:01am
so this is outside Lytton (B.c) as i'm hitching for a ride back home... or at least trying to make it to Calgary for that night. the lady that picked me up in Hope (B.c)that morning gave me a whole history lesson about the natives around that area, Login union workers and then dropped off where you're looking at now (view from the mountain side highway). She didn't let me leave without some advice and a handfull of pro-communist litterature. I got picked up by my first Truck ride right there. Dude was chill enough to let sleep on the top bunk in the back of the truck. Got to Calgary the following night at 10pm.
Posted by » soyfunk on Sat 20 Dec, 2003 @ 9:23pm
Harcore Hustlaz make moves. MAXIMUM RESPECT!
Posted by » soyfunk on Fri 19 Dec, 2003 @ 9:42am
Posted by » soyfunk on Fri 19 Dec, 2003 @ 9:41am
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