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sarah's Profil
» sarah
a.k.a. "sarah"

31 ans cancer. femme
De Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Dernière Visite:Tue 30 Nov, 1999 @ 12:00am
Profil Vu:306
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She's Moodless!
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i Love to dance :D i'm very laid back and i have a huge heart. i'm a city girl. i have a good personality and i would do anything for anyone, don't take advantage of that. i have goals and morals. some people annoy me and i'll most likely tell you to shut up. it takes alot to earn my trust. i have higher standards than most people. my attitude gets me into trouble, but that's just me, get over it
Commentaires des membres
Page: 1
» system_glitch a dit @ Mon 31 May, 2010 @ 6:26am
Welcome to ravewave!
» sarah a dit @ Mon 31 May, 2010 @ 1:26am
,*new to this shytt<3♥ !