2008-04-21 Apology (7)
2008-05-26 POLA - The Movie (Trailer) (3)
2008-10-11 Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich. (0)
Feb 4th 2010: The NFB/ONF sent me a message one hour ago that the POLA-THE MOVIE event won't be happening today, I'm going there to talk to them and see what it this all about, I'm sorry for cancelling today the screening, I'll keep posted on this after.
Life should be a PARTY! Antonino Medina | Get to know me | www.antoninomedina.com Destructiva Design | Canada & Mexico | www.destructiva.com InDestructiva | Re-volution my Life | www.indestructiva.com Medcorp Design | Architecture | www. medcorpdesign.com PocoMoco Films | My Movies | www.pocomocofilms.com Buena Vibra | My Community | www. buenavibra.com avitcurtseD | Coming soon | www.avitcurtsed.com La brute | Wanna fight? | Voulez-vous combattre? Opera Prima POLA THE MOVIE www.polathemovie.com |
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