Rave Radio: Offline (0/0)
Adresse électronique: Mot de passe:
2007 December:
[ ]guerilla
[ ]utopique univers
[ ]That long old list...
[ ]bleh
[ ]OH Festivus!/ Magic Baking
[ ]en cette fin...
[ ]bonne nuit
[ ]Tranzn.com is here!
[ ]Truth
[ ]Oh wow
2007 November:
[ ]free your soul!
[ ]Every time I spin My story is told
[ ]broken hearts are for assholes
[ ]alirghty so im new here and
[ ]It's always tackiest before laundry day...
[ ]Key problems in my life
[ ]Je sais pas si j'Ai envie de rester en vie
[ ]Eventful weekend
[ ]te deja con buen sabor en la boca oue
[ ]not all of those articles are mines...
[ ]ownin your own shadow
[ ]Mécanique quantique
[ ]Symptoms Of INNER PEACE
[ ]I'm a disorganised slob, Doc!
[ ]a lire en 2008
[ ]mon background
[ ]sa vraie nature…
[ ]dans lautre voix
[ ]12:48pm Thurs Nov 8 '07
[ ]How could you...
[ ]It's Really Not That Bad ... For Profiteers
[ ]Tuesday November 6 2007 from personal jrnl
[ ]Sunday-Hungover/Coming Down
[ ]Nov 3
[ ]microcosm
2007 October:
[ ]BL3
[ ]tiré du film la haine
[ ]The Invisible Pink Unicorn
[ ]P.L.U.R. (continued)
[ ]P.L.U.R. ? (response)
[ ]La dépendance affective
[ ]New Mix from J.D. Sparks!!1
[ ]Révélation
[ ]la bourse est un outil trop puissant il nous faut la comprendre avant qu'il ne nous detruise
[ ]My New Car
[ ]lazer life bbrothers!!
[ ]You Are a Rainbow
[ ]The Kybalion The Seven Hermetic Principals
2007 September:
[ ]Father.
[ ]Travailler TTC
[ ]Ma vie
[ ]My life.
[ ]Cultural Baggage
[ ]The random things you think about...
[ ]We are All Individuals !!!
[ ]Time Machine 2
[ ]ce qui me facine
[ ]NEW MIX!!
[ ]Death to Humanity- My Visions
[ ]Just Woke Up
[ ]Whoa!
[ ]Right...
2007 August:
[ ]Nostalgie, quand tu nous tiens...
[ ]Medal of Honor .txt
[ ]Sorry!~
[ ]Perception and other musing
[ ]ode INto quebec :D
[ ]Human beta 1.2
[ ]nous sommes loin d'être libre!
[ ]coup de coeur de l'été
[ ]New shit..
[ ]Le mal de vivre
[ ]My brain has issues (totally WTF dream)
[ ]Allie's B-day party
[ ]Bibi's party
[ ]Maygen's B-day Party
[ ]1 hosted party
[ ]Handicapped
[ ]Blah.
[ ]A Perfect Circle - eMOTIVe (2004)
[ ]A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step (2003)
[ ]A Perfect Circle - Mer De Noms (2000)
[ ]Tool - 10,000 Days
[ ]Tool - Lateralus
[ ]Tool - Aenima
[ ]Tool - Undertow
[ ]Tool - Opiate
[ ]2 days ^w^
[ ]Help? ^-^
[ ]Roses are red
[ ]Excited :3
[ ]Help?
[ ]Going public.
[ ]experience
2007 July:
[ ]all done moving
[ ]Video Dating Tape by David Firth
[ ]hulla
[ ]space gathering 2007
[ ]Histoire - OD de Miel
[ ]mettre image
[ ]Télé Sans Frontières
[ ]What i realized.
[ ]asdf
2007 June:
[ ]Bike Courier
[ ]backdrop
[ ]chus & cebalos
[ ]It's really not that bad
[ ]ZOMG i want HaRdcOrE wtf
[ ]test
[ ]Stoned
[ ]Profil vidéo
[ ]One more.
[ ]demenagement
[ ]aliens
2007 May:
[ ]i'm not comfortable inside my mind
[ ]About TGIT
[ ]Closed Books
[ ]Crack Computer
[ ]Space Mushroom 3
[ ]Indigo Rising
[ ]When you put everyone else first, you end up last.
[ ]Des quotes rave.ca 2007
[ ]une autre histoire d'accotées
[ ]This is the stories of......
[ ]Histoire d'accoté 3
[ ]Histoire d'accoté 2
[ ]mark knight
[ ]T.R.Y
[ ]llama foetuses and bowler hats
[ ]L'honnêteté
[ ]Voir
[ ]Le son d'une clé...
[ ]The state of the scene
[ ]raveDAVE.
[ ]strapagosse
[ ]Et un rave manquer un.
[ ]Trip de e chez lyzandre
[ ]asdf
[ ].....
2007 April:
[ ]Displaced
[ ]a spiratum
[ ]Déclaration du Chef Indien Seattle en 1854 au président américain Franklin Pierce
[ ]desyn massielo
[ ]The Next Ring on the Spiral
[ ]live
[ ]scheme sensei
[ ]Top 10 des endroits ou buzzer, en réponse à Jérémie!
[ ]Top 10 endroits pour Buzzer
[ ]...
[ ]The Great Inversion
[ ]My attempt at fiction:
[ ]Intragenisis: the Saga of SELF
[ ]deviens tu
[ ]Back to the Groove...
2007 March:
[ ]...
[ ]Harsh
[ ]les mains pleines de sang
[ ]winter demons
[ ]Synchronicité
[ ]*
[ ]Projet:Schizo
[ ]sang d'encre
[ ]You might be a bike courier if...
[ ]Winterize Your Bike
[ ]Au nom de la lune
[ ]the secret
[ ]délire
[ ]Uploading
[ ]Seelie court all the way
[ ]First Rave |-|£LL `|´£/-\ !!
[ ]Election democratique pour dissimuler l'autocratie
[ ]Quand ça va bien
[ ]backstage night club
[ ]sudamerika
[ ]five minutes
2007 February:
[ ].
[ ]battles
[ ]Que cherches-tu ?
[ ]mentez moi
[ ]Un anneau au cou
[ ]VIE!!
[ ]Noah est sur Terre
[ ]hum...
[ ]avant Max Graham
[ ]Quotes
[ ]David Bowie
[ ]FUCK the Fakers
[ ]Conception
[ ]Un sirop pour la toux
[ ]A qui de droit
[ ]Death to humanity
[ ]Canalisation transcendantale
[ ]Month Test
2007 January:
[ ]not to be understood
[ ]Buying art from Maery/ Comission Info
[ ]words
[ ]PAn
[ ]...
[ ]Born to be Alive
[ ]Save Your Self
[ ]No Names Have Been Changed To Protect The Innocent. They're All Fucking Guilty!
[ ]Espérances
[ ]the tribe
[ ]Beaute paradisiaque
[ ]Get out of my head!
[ ]Today
[ ]escalier
[ ]"Ambiguous chimera"
[ ]OK
[ ]Green Speckled Wings
[ ]Demolition Tour
[ ]Spinside snowboards
Title:P.L.U.R. (continued)
Posted On:2007-10-24 13:23:27
Posted By:» Butterman
(after a delightful personnal message from LynZyn, I HAD TO return to commenting publicly about PLUR and other "concepts" of the past...):

Well its unfortunate of course but unfortunatly, today's generations are so fixed in their individualistic frames of being that they think they are doing "good" by being selfish and having all these upside-down values which "justifies" their own actions but ends up as proof that they have no respect for anything else but their own @$$es.

It sucks, I know... "MUSIC IS THE ANSWER"; maybe, but unlike the person I used to be, I won't fill my head with possibilities; I will wait until proof is exposed!

I believe that (unfortunatly) it is up to the people to make a change, as a COMMUNITY, not as selfish individualists. But today's world is geared towards making us more and more selfish, in order for the corporations to thrive on us as a society of consumerism.

If people realised that it is more important to have UNITY amongst people in a community, over owning cellphones and portable computers and MP3 players, then maybe we'd be on the right path to become enlightened.

Unfortunatly, our societies promote individualistic and selfish behaviour, justifying it as being "hip", "cool", and "in". So therefore, today's generations believe that being a selfish pr!ck is in fact being "cool". They believe that by having their cellphones and MP3 players makes them "hip".

So the corporations have indeed won the "battle" since we humans are more preoccupied by having to own more gadgets than being more socially and environmentally aware.

Listening To: Panasonic's "KESTO" 4-CD album
Commentaires des membres
» Butterman a dit @ Wed 7 Nov, 2007 @ 9:16am
"Please find me a sober group of people that base their life in full cooperation/community aspects and I might be inclined to think otherwise." I agree... perhaps humanity is cursed & doomed to think themselves evolved when if fact, there is nothing pure self-drivel narcistic behaviour involved throughout history. I just get it myself; since our modfern world is supposed to be so "opened" to all sorts of new communication devices, then how come most people still think they have morals & values?
» DCRn a dit @ Tue 6 Nov, 2007 @ 7:17pm
If I may, I fail to see when society has NOT promoted selfish behavior. The only moment this was not as appearant was the 60s but then, the acid wave died and people woke up. Even back in fiefdoms, the selfish was rewarded. Lords took from everyone and societal classes were more distinct than they are today. That is, it's human nature. Please find me a sober group of people that base their life in full cooperation/community aspects and I might be inclined to think otherwise.