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Title:How To Wake Up In The Morning And Take On The Day Like You Mean It
Posted On:2006-12-27 17:47:40
Posted By:» moohk
Well bitches, try playing Black Sabbath. The first album is the best one. And the
their first song, of the same name as the band, is also, the best one. Fairies Wears Boots is only one supreme example of their impressive lyrics.

Admittedly, so far on the menu for my journal, it seems an homage to old dead white guys (well, i dunno really if they're all dead, so to speak, Nancy could probably at least philosophize over that one for awhile with you, i've no idea about the AAA dude, but I am willing to bet), but for all intents and purposes, yeah, if you were thinking that, sadly, so far you are right. Except Ozzy isn't dead, bitches. Far from it. And he bit the head off a bat. Do that and come talk to me about not being heady, cutting-edge or progressive enough for (It is also true that Sharon Osbourne is pure gold. I give her due props here, NOT because she stood behind her man, but because she is truly, hardcore). Like a good wine, though, maybe you just have to give me some time.

yeah i know, it is true that Black Sabbath certainly seem dated, at least in terms of how their 'dark and heavy' lyrics translate, but this, unfortunately is a sad sign of our times. 'Killing Yourself To Live' still makes sense, but irony has become ironic. we'll talk Baudrillard later.

right now i'm going to go eat some corn pops and whiskey in my underwear. i'd say that i fukkin love the holidays, if i did, maybe, but i think i just like looking really hot in my underwear, good music, really sugary cereal, liquor and drugs. (occasionally, of course). oh, and i've new taste for jewelry. you know. the good things in life.

Listening To: Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath
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