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Spirit Base Festival 2011 (Austria) [ Static Link : iAppel ]
Ville:Austria, Wien
Temps:Tue 1 Jun, 2010 @ 9:00pm till Sat 5 Jun, 2010 @ 9:00pm
Description:Click for full view flyer
Live Dino Psaras Chrome Angels) France [click here]

Rinkadink (Alchemie Rec) Uk. [click here]

Digital Talk (Hadra Records) France [click here]

Ananda Shake(Utopia Rec.) Israel [click here]

Ital (Antu Records.) Chile [click here]

Naked Tourist (Parvati Rec.) Germany [click here]

Alternative Control (Vision Quest) Serbia [click here]

Bamboo forest (Agitato Rec.) Spain [click here]

Perfect Stranger (Tribal Vision) Israel [click here]

U-Recken (Dooflex Rec.) Israel [click here]

Solarplexus (Psy Tribe) Guatemala [click here]

Orgonflow (Woodrom Records) [click here]

Dejavoo (Transient) UK. [click here]

We (iono music) Mexico live&dj [click here]

Audiomatic (Spintwist Rec) Germany [click here]

Expanding Conscience (Spiritual Healing ) Argentina [click here]

Aerospace (Spin Twist Rec.) Israel [click here]

Symphonix (Blue Tunes Rec.) Germany [click here]

Protonica (Iono Music) Germany [click here]

Klopfgeister (Iono Music) Germany [click here]

Motion Drive (Iono Music) Swiss [click here]

Time in Motion (Iono Music) Dänmark [click here]

Solano (Iono Music) Swiss [click here]

Cubixx (Iono Music) Germany [click here]

Egorythmia (Iono Music) Macedonija [click here]

Bim (Millenium Rec.) Germany [click here]

Murus (Iono Music) Germany [click here]

Neelix (Spintwist Rec.) Germany [click here]

Feuerhake (Synergetic Rec) Germany [click here]

Krama (Spintwist Records) Greece [click here]

Philter (Spintwist Records) Germany [click here]

more coming soon
DJs Alpha ( Germany [click here]

Arkadius lil Momo (Planet B.e.n.) Germany [click here]

Iguana (Parvati Rec.) Germany [click here]

more coming soon
Chill big chill out circus tent like 2010
acts coming soon
Deco international and national deko teams and vjs
laser show by kularis like the last 2 years!

Location coming soon
Entry fee coming soon
Infos more infos in Okt. 2010 thanks a lot spirit base crew

Spirit Base Festival Clip on youtube [video]

Spirit Base Festival Facebook [click here]
Facebook Group [click here]
Facebook Friends Side [click here]
Myspace [click here]
Added:Sat 30 Oct, 2010 @ 1:58pm by » Spiral
Events Calendar - June 1, 2010
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