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"Lache Pas La Patate" St-Jean de Baptiste Celebration [ Static Link : iAppel ]
Ville:Canada, Quebec, Laval
Temps:Fri 23 Jun, 2006 @ 10:00pm
Emplacement:Le Moulin,Rue. St- Eustache, Vieux St-Eustache
Description:This party is held in ST EUSTACHE.

CAR: get on the 13, or the 15 north
keep going north past laval, until the 640,
go west on the 640 until ST EUSTACHE,
exit at the second st eustache exit, which will bring u to ARTHUR SAUVE street
go straight until u get to a set of lights that are right before a big bridge which leads to laval...TURN RIGHT at that intersection, which will is ST LOUIS, and that brings you to st eustache street.
walk a few minutes down that street and you will see the people everywhere.

Train: go to the Grand Central station, which is on the corner of University and Gauchetiere, take the motreal-deux-montagnes train to Grand-Moulin,
after you get off wait at the ticket purchasing booth for the St-Eustache bus,
take the bus to the St-Eustache terminus and walk the opposite way of the McDonalds, When you get the Marche de Store you should hear the party its not too far
turn left at the marche du store and youll see it

Bus: Take the metro to Henri-Bourassa,
Get on the 46 which goes to St-Eustache,
when you get to St-Eustache terminus get off and walk the opposite direction of the McDonalds, When you get the Marche de Store you should hear the party its not too far
turn left at the marche du store and youll see it
Added:Wed 3 May, 2006 @ 12:00am by » Whitebred
Events Calendar - June 23, 2006
2 People Attending [ Hide User Images ]
Commentaires des membres
» Whitebred a dit @ Mon 26 Jun, 2006 @ 10:31pm
Dude I think, no wait I dont think. That was the fukin best time ever had fukin Cliff was really tearing it up.
» mmario a dit @ Thu 15 Jun, 2006 @ 1:18pm
jai etait la lanner passer et jai pas du tout envie dy aller encore cette annee
» GRASP a dit @ Thu 8 Jun, 2006 @ 8:49pm
the sickest place to celebrate st jean IS St Eustache!everyone is fuct up on acid and passed out in the grass!its awesome tabarnac!
» PitaGore a dit @ Wed 10 May, 2006 @ 1:12pm
is this the actual hifx st-jean project or whut ??