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Calendrier des événements - October 7, 2005
The Phat Conductor @ ElectroShock: High Voltage (Oct. 7th) Mtl [ Static Link : iAppel ]
Ville:Canada, Quebec, Montreal
Temps:Fri 7 Oct, 2005 @ 10:00pm
Informations:As for the DJ line-up, here's what we have for you:

The Phat Conductor (2wars, WOMP, [ area709.com ] Bottlecap) – Toronto – CANADA
[ www.thephatconductor.com ]
[ www.2wars.com ]

Sarcastic - Techno > Level 4 Productions / Montreal
[ www.level4productions.com ]

Melon tag Poontz - Break > Broken Crew / Montreal

Clown - Electro > JESTER records, Alien Crew / Montreal
[ www.aliencrewmontreal.com ]

Omni - Electro > Akarien, Electro Shock / Montreal
[ www.djomni.net ]
[ www.akarien.cjb.net ]

Axel Klein - Electro > TranceNRG - UK514 - ElectroShock / Montreal
[ www.trance-nrg.net ]

Dialect - Break > Euphoric Taste / Montreal
[ www.euphorictaste.com ]

Pat Davis tag Crizok - Electro-tech > Akarien, Electro Shock / Montreal
[ www.akarien.cjb.net ]
[ www.crizok.com ]

VJ Homing will do the visual.
[ www.vjhoming.com ]

The deco is going to be created around the High Voltage theme, so be prepared to get electrified

Tickets are only 15$ on pre-sale (200 only) at:

Psychonaut, 154 Prince Arthur 514-844-8998
Moog audio, 3828 St-laurent 514-288-9362

Tourne Livre, 3 wellington nord 819-348-1604

(You can reserve ticket by sending e-mail at electroshock_prod@hotmail.com )

Location revealed 24hrs in advance

Infoline: 514-330-7741

A party not to be missed!!!

[ www.ravewave.com ]

For more information
Added:Fri 7 Oct, 2005 @ 10:00pm by » Belldandy
Events Calendar - October 7, 2005
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