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Par » Party_Girl concernant Thu 23 Dec, 2010
0 Commentaires
les 4 miracles de la femme..: elle mouille sans toucher l'eau.. elle saigne sans se blesser,elle donne du lait sans manger d'herbe, ET SURTOUT ELLE CASSE LES COUILLE SANS LES TOUCHER :) JE SUIS FIERE D'ETRE UNE FEMM
Par » Party_Girl concernant Thu 31 May, 2007
1 Commenter
What's the difference between a toad and a horny toad? One goes "Ribbit" and the other goes "Rubbit."
Par » Party_Girl concernant Thu 31 May, 2007
2 Commentaires
A young couple gets married, and the groom asks his bride if he can have a dresser drawer of his own that she will never open. The bride agrees. After 30 years of marriage, she notices that his drawer has been left open. She peeks inside and sees 3 golf balls and $1,000. She confronts her...
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