anima's Profil - Articles |
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The rules for being humanPar » anima concernant Mon 16 Apr, 20072 Commentaires | 1.) You will receive a body 2.) You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period this time around. 3.) You will learn lessons 4.) You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called life. Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You... |
The Eight Brain ModelPar » anima concernant Mon 16 Apr, 20071 Commenter | Cosmic Consciousness in eight easy steps I first came across the eight circuit or "8 brain model" while reading Robert Anton Wilson's The Illuminati Papers. Wilson had in turn credited Timothy Leary, Ph.D. for creating this model/tool for understanding the human nervous system. There is evidence... |
About ChiPar » anima concernant Mon 16 Apr, 20070 Commentaires | Tao becomes one, one becomes two, two becomes three and three becomes ten thousand. Behind existence of every item is a shadow, in front of it is light and as stabilizer is immaterial breathing." -- Lao Tzu: Tao Te Chiang In Chinese cosmology, which Japanese is based on too, the... |
The Mindfulness of Breathing: a led practicePar » anima concernant Mon 16 Apr, 20070 Commentaires | Set yourself up comfortably in your meditation posture; don't rush. Make sure you are sitting up straight, your seat is the right height, and your legs are not taking the weight of your upper body. Make sure your hands are supported. Check that your head feels balanced firmly and easily on your... |
Clearing PrayerPar » anima concernant Mon 16 Apr, 20070 Commentaires | This is a prayer we use when we feel the need to spiritually clear our surroundings. 1. Get quiet within yourself; center yourself, 2. Then say the following: "I/we ask the God of my Being, my Higher Self, to clear [me, my room, my family, this house, business, property, place, humans and... |
Loving OurselfPar » anima concernant Mon 16 Apr, 20070 Commentaires | Most of us on our healing path have become very familiar with the admonition to "love ourselves." We may be clear that our purpose is to bring more love into the world. Since how we perceive and relate to "the world" is always a mirror of how we perceive and relate to ourselves, our goal is really... |
A Simple MeditationPar » anima concernant Mon 16 Apr, 20070 Commentaires | For those who have never tried meditation, a simple exercise is given here. It requires only a little time each day, or whenever you feel stressed, and can have a beneficial effect in a very short time. All you just need is a comfortable place to relax, some fresh air, and some peace. Simple... |
Mental Arts Development ProgrammPar » anima concernant Mon 16 Apr, 20070 Commentaires | Become a better human! Personal Basic Level: -Get yourself a brainmaschine & use it for regular meditation -Learn Neuro Linguistic Programming -Practice Yoga or TaiChi -Eat healthier food, specially less flesh Extra: -visit a psychotherapist/spiritual emergency member if... |
Reprogramming The Subconscious MindPar » anima concernant Mon 16 Apr, 20070 Commentaires | By Edward J. Longo, CHT Holding The Elephant Captive In a sense, our minds can hold us captive. Because of conditioning, our beliefs can become set, depriving us of all hope, of even attempting to change our ways. Conditioning can go both ways – it can either hold us captive, or it can... |
Goa Transe PsychedeliquePar » anima concernant Thu 23 Feb, 20068 Commentaires | L’esprit Goa est bien plus qu’une « fête sous les cocotiers ». En fait, le DJ est considéré comme un chamane des temps modernes, transformant sa table de DJ en autel (symboles hindous ou aborigènes), et conduisant sa congégation pour un voyage spirituel tout au long de la nuit... |
Unité Du Monde: La Parabole De l'OcéanPar » anima concernant Thu 20 Oct, 20054 Commentaires | "La conscience universelle est souvent compararée à l'océan: une masse fluide, indifférenciée, et la première phase de la création correspondrait à la formation de vagues. Une vague peut être considérée comme une entité individuelle, et pourtant il est évident que la vague est... |
Contrat Proposé Aux HumainsPar » anima concernant Fri 30 Sep, 200512 Commentaires | Peu importe vos croyances ou vos idées politiques, le système mis en place dans votre monde libre repose sur l'accord tacite d'une sorte de contrat passé avec chacun d'entre vous, dont voici dans les grandes lignes le contenu : 1) J'accepte la compétition comme base de notre système... |
TransePar » anima concernant Sat 11 Dec, 20042 Commentaires | Une transe est un type particulier d’état dissocié. C’est la façon habituelle dont l’esprit sépare les événements se déroulant en même temps, comme conduire tout en écoutant la radio. Avec une transe profonde, il y a davantage de concentration, d’intensité. Une transe est toujours... |
PsychédéliquePar » anima concernant Sat 11 Dec, 20040 Commentaires | Le terme « psychédélique » est apparu dans la correspondance entretenue durant les années 50 entre deux pionniers de l’étude des drogues psychoactives : Humphrey Osmond, un psychiatre britannique qui a étudié l’effet de la mescaline et du LSD sur des alcooliques au Canada, et Aldous... |
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