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News (Media Awareness Project) - US NY: PUB LTE: Forfeiture Unfairness
Title:US NY: PUB LTE: Forfeiture Unfairness
Published On:2000-03-01
Source:New York Times (NY)
Fetched On:2008-09-05 01:50:24

To the Editor:

Shifting the burden of proof to the government will not make forfeiture law
fair if all the government has to prove is that the property figured in a
crime (editorial, Feb. 28). Unless ownership of the property is itself
unlawful, as with contraband or illegally acquired goods, taking property
without compensation is fair only if imposed as punishment for some
wrongdoing of the owner.

James R. Maxeiner, Murray Hill, N.J., Feb. 29, 2000
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