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Czarkastik's Profile - Community Messages
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» Czarkastik replied on Mon Sep 29, 2003 @ 5:50pm. Posted in Refuge Electronik - Air 2003.
Coolness: 149290
mindboggling websavviness at work here.
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Sep 29, 2003 @ 5:49pm. Posted in TERMINATE THE SOURCE: The Final Tek.
Coolness: 149290
ummmm. wha?? well Module M is in France, and Mindlab is our VJ -he might show up...

or are you referring to the infamous Nter? well i can only hope he will show up too, when it's time to terminate the source, you can always use nter!
» Czarkastik replied on Sun Sep 28, 2003 @ 2:32pm. Posted in Calendar!.
Coolness: 149290
first of all i think that text box is REALLY fucking annoying... it takes ages to find the DJ, then when you click on him you have no idea if he's selected or not, then when you fuck up and try to get rid of him, you don't know what's going on

furthermore, when you finish posting the event, it's like it takes you back to you event editing page and you're not sure if it's posted or not.. anyways, i fucked up my event posting bigtime and ended up with 2 events, now i can't delete one of 'em...
» Czarkastik replied on Sun Sep 28, 2003 @ 2:30pm. Posted in TERMINATE THE SOURCE: The Final Tek.
Coolness: 149290
Adverse Recordings and Level 4 Productions present
TERMINATE THE SOURCE... the final tek...

remembering amnesia

Thursday October 9th..

w/ PATRICK DSP (Toronto) Cluster, Lifeform, Max/Min, Adverse

and, mixing simultaneously on 4 decks and 2 mixers, a rotating panel of the adverse and level 4 artists including:
MARK BELSON -Adverse Recordings
SARCASTIC -Level 4 Productions
FREEBASS -Level 4 Productions
KILOBYTE -Level 4 Productions
CHILLY WILLY -Level 4 Productions
KARL MARX -Level 4 Productions

with the final tek throwdown by hardened soldiers
KIDSTATIK aka TONY ROMA aka THE UNDERGROUND SHADOW -Level 4 Productions, Saboteur Records
TOLTECH -Level 4 Productions, Alien Crew, BPM-Radio

$3 at Amnesia, 1421 Bishop, Thurs. October 9th...
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 5:52pm. Posted in The Final Booty Night @ Amnesia.
Coolness: 149290
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Sep 25, 2003 @ 10:22am. Posted in The Final Rock @ my apartment.
Coolness: 149290
Yes, I am moving on October 1st. Before I do that however, I wanna have a loud, destructive final bash at my place. Tuesday night we do the radio show from 10 pm to midnight. Anyone that knows me or anything feel free to come by, get wasted, hear some loud fucking tracks, and do whatever... whatver floats your boat... y'all know my addy, if you don't message me... Tuesday September 30th...

ps to anyone, i found an ill place on st dominique, my phone numbers and shit should be the same (have to make sure today).. so ya, i'll still be in the hood, thankfully.
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Sep 25, 2003 @ 10:17am. Posted in Ravewave Orgy.
Coolness: 149290
this calls for one of my favourite quotes...

"men are assholes, women are psychotic" -kurt vonnegut
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Sep 25, 2003 @ 10:10am. Posted in The Final Booty Night @ Amnesia.
Coolness: 149290
thanks for changing my signature chelsea.. again

hope to see y'all up in this shit. stay tuned for further details.

the final level 4 TEK night will be October 9th, 2003... more information to come.. looks like DJs Kidstatik, Sarcastic, Freebass, Toltech, Kilobyte and Adverse Recordings' Mark Belson are on the bill for that.
» Czarkastik replied on Tue Sep 23, 2003 @ 10:42pm. Posted in The Final Booty Night @ Amnesia.
Coolness: 149290
October 16th. thursday. 2003

yes its true amnesia is closing down apparently shortly. expect some ill shit, final rock and all that shit.

October 16th is the next booty night... mostly likely the last...

Cheap Drinks.. booty slapping... further info will follow...

brought to you by fried ass productions
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Sep 22, 2003 @ 11:55am. Posted in Makina, October 17th.
Coolness: 149290
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Sep 15, 2003 @ 4:58pm. Posted in Makina, October 17th.
Coolness: 149290
big up purple lee.
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Sep 15, 2003 @ 4:58pm. Posted in Stink Mitt. sept 18th.
Coolness: 149290
these bitches make peaches look like, ummm, a fruit.
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Sep 15, 2003 @ 4:58pm. Posted in Stink Mitt. sept 18th.
Coolness: 149290
ya jackie you would love them too
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Sep 15, 2003 @ 3:09pm. Posted in Stink Mitt. sept 18th.
Coolness: 149290
[ www.stinkmitt.com ] and [ www.inthachamber.com ]
to hear stink mitt tracks.
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Sep 15, 2003 @ 3:08pm. Posted in I need a new artist name.
Coolness: 149290
call yourself Pearl Jam.
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Sep 15, 2003 @ 2:42pm. Posted in Stink Mitt. sept 18th.
Coolness: 149290
probably the ones you're thinking of

check their site for details.

read Lalla land on thurs. for interview with MC Betti Ford
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Sep 15, 2003 @ 12:40pm. Posted in Stink Mitt. sept 18th.
Coolness: 149290
i'm only posting this 'cause i saw these bitches out in vancouver and they are fucking ILL and SICK literally. website: [ www.stinkmitt.com ] ... they just released an album, scratch 'n' sniff, and are doing a tour for it. two trailer trash bitches from surrey bc, completely fucking off-the-hook. if you think you've ever heard dirty shit, think again, these bitches take it to the NEXT level, and their live show is like nothing you have ever seen before. not for the weak of stomach and shit, but for those looking for some rated R type madness, do NOT MISS.

STINK MITT. thursday september 18th at UnityII as part of djfrigid's kink! night. not sure how much it costs... maybe check [ djfrigid.com ] or some shit for info.
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Sep 15, 2003 @ 11:35am. Posted in Oh SNAP! This Monday Sept.15.
Coolness: 149290
i don't own any early 90s dance music tapes. in fact, in the nineties, i hated dance music. until i discovered hardcore. that's kinda dance music i guess. but ya, i digress... point is, if i could tell that something sucked when i was fifteen, i'm even less inclined to enjoy it now. biotch.

oh ya, see ya monday.... due to lack of anything better to do, i guess.

plus, corey is the cooooooooooolest.
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Sep 11, 2003 @ 1:10pm. Posted in Makina, October 17th.
Coolness: 149290
big up kimochi.
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Sep 11, 2003 @ 1:07pm. Posted in Alien Styles tonight @ Amnesia..
Coolness: 149290
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Sep 11, 2003 @ 1:01pm. Posted in Alien Styles tonight @ Amnesia..
Coolness: 149290
it was already at the top... it's not a bump dude....

sorry man.
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Sep 11, 2003 @ 1:00pm. Posted in Happy Birthday Chelsea!.
Coolness: 149290
haffy burpday poopoohed
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Sep 11, 2003 @ 12:57pm. Posted in Alien Styles tonight @ Amnesia..
Coolness: 149290
psytek tonight at Amnesia w/ clown, zed, OSG & skhighwalker of alien crew. 2 dollaaaah

plus it's chelsea's b-day so we're celebrating there. big up.
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Sep 11, 2003 @ 2:08am. Posted in Makina, October 17th.
Coolness: 149290
another school of thought on the "techno" subject might in fact define techno as an umbrella term which describes all types of electronic music including for example DnB, trance, house, maybe even hip hop. though once someone enters deep into the "electronica" culture, as it were, they discover the specific genre, also referred to as techno, which differs from house due to the slight increase in speed, the lack of emphasis on mid-range melodies and "real" instrument samples (or vocals), and the presence of more percussion on the 1st and 3rd beats of the four. Techno I'd say differs from trance due to the repetitive nature of techno's midrange elements; which also tend to be more percussive than trance, and due to the more linear style of techno productions, where large breakdowns, especially ones where the beat itself stops or is indecipherable, are far rarer. most importantly, when wandering this road of bullshit, it's important to remember that each style meets every other style at some point, and there is always a varying degree of overlap between any two or more specific styles when any individual track or artist must be looked at. or some shit. i prefer to call the shit we call techno "tek", cause it sounds more pure, simple, and clacky. phonetically it works better. plus you avoid the confusion of doorknob knownothings who think that, by "techno", you mean anything from Roni Size to Madonna remixes to fucking Herbie Hancock or some shit. naaaamean? And ya, Carlito, ghetto tech definitely isn't "tek" in that sense -the principles of ghetto tech are so non-linear, humorous, and often incorporate key lyrics, recognizable samples, and other such signals towards modern day culture and tangible reality that preclude the type of deep mindless trance states that I believe good linear "tek" is capable of producing. But does anyone out there appreciate TEK the way it's supposed to be appreciated? that's the issue. there's such a dividing line between the DJs, sittin' up there stroking their chins, watching the record selections or whatever (who obiously aren't REALLY enjoying the tracks and set as it is made to be enjoyed, or as the DJ would prefer it to be absorbed: with a primitive mindlessness, dancing thoughtlessly for hours on end) and the dancers, who generally may not realize, afther their ecstatic trance-like dance orgy is over, what they have been listening to, and may have been just as happy listening to deep dish or whatnot. There's a rare few out there though, that can play both sides of the fence, are knowledgeable about their tech artists, labels and sounds, and can also go out there and really lose it and trip on the music also, and appreciate it on the next level of knowledge, this unconscious shit, where it's always deeper and more meaningful. and shit.
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Sep 11, 2003 @ 1:54am. Posted in New Calendar.
Coolness: 149290
BiG UP noah.
» Czarkastik replied on Wed Sep 10, 2003 @ 7:48am. Posted in New Calendar.
Coolness: 149290
is this why the link for Sarcastic (montreal) is now sending people to Alex Hender's info?
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Sep 8, 2003 @ 1:18am. Posted in Kirk/Cloud 6.
Coolness: 149290
big UP.

still to sick to really function. despite a fucking horrible cold i woke up with on saturday, i managed to stay awhile and had a wicked time. huge big upness to kirk6 as always pulling the fucking completely impossible shit.. off the hook. from the moment i walked in felt like i was warped back to 1994. really, really, awesome in every way. even once i got home i wanted to go back... so comfortable in those mazes of dark hallways, black lights, leaking pipes and low ceilings. that's what it's all about. big props on the setup. to carlos mike laura and all the schranzers, i know you mighta been a bit dissapointed by the absence of linear faceless tek in my set, but you'll all get your fill at Makina... i will dedicate that set to robatical techno, as they say.
so ya, higher states of consciousness paul, fo sho', big up, big up... why does the fucking weekend have to be over. why did i have to have the worst cold... if only there was a cloud every weekend.

!one motherfucking love...
» Czarkastik replied on Tue Sep 2, 2003 @ 2:01pm. Posted in cloud6 - september 6, 2003.
Coolness: 149290
ya i just had a good ole' head-to-head with the elusive Kirk... what a guy! crazy as ever... turns out the massive luminous tent that was supposed to be erected on the lookout this weekend has been re-appropriated by the Aerospatial Engineering Hangar from where it was originally loaned, and the party is now being moved indoors, into the Bora-Bora caves dug into the western side of Mont-Royal... so ya, it should be pretty cool.
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Aug 29, 2003 @ 6:45pm. Posted in burfday!.
Coolness: 149290
ya simon you missed the madness. haffy pburfday again to steve and josh you both did pretty well. a completely insane night. thanks to all that showed up..
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 3:47am. Posted in miller and josh's bday.
Coolness: 149290
hey ya! big up! fuck you carlos! ya ya party! die dirt mexican fuck! i take u one on one mano-amano as they say on your dirty stinkin taco-ridden planet. thursday me and u mothafucka! i will fuck u up~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! iw ill hang your mexican ass from a mothafucking streetlamp biotch
» Czarkastik replied on Thu Aug 28, 2003 @ 3:45am. Posted in Burfday event thread. Aug 28th.
Coolness: 149290
vinny just for you i will pack the quiet storm. bring it.

timeslots are? anyone? who's in charge of this...

i say
1030-1230 chillywilly and karlmarx
1230-145 kwayz
145-3 fab

all in favour?
» Czarkastik replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 4:09am. Posted in Burfday event thread. Aug 28th.
Coolness: 149290
big up chilly willy vs karl marx the ill neo shroom hop hallucinatory funk voyage. bong.
» Czarkastik replied on Wed Aug 27, 2003 @ 4:08am. Posted in Make My Funk the P-Funk.
Coolness: 149290
I wants to get funked up...


I just witnessed a three hour and forty five minute live version of Shit God-Damn, Get Off your ass and jam. fuckin' a
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Aug 25, 2003 @ 6:17pm. Posted in Burfday event thread. Aug 28th.
Coolness: 149290
ya all this whining and sappiness ain't gonna get you out of some serious FUCKING beats joshie, sorry man... you're GOING DOWN
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Aug 25, 2003 @ 5:27am. Posted in miller and josh's bday.
Coolness: 149290
bjork should be over by 10 or 11 at the latest, i'm thinking. though i could be wrong cause i dont really know much about that cracked-out icelandic scag whore.

just joking...

i just wanted to follow the theme of this thread...

and leave a huge blank space before writing my lame-ass closing line.
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Aug 25, 2003 @ 5:19am. Posted in What's your Top 5?.
Coolness: 149290
alright here's mine, in order from 1 to 5

1 Beastie Boys: Check Your Head

2 Beastie Boys: Paul's Boutique

3 Beastie Boys: Ill Commmunication

4 Beastie Boys: License to Ill

5 Beastie Boys: Hello Nasty
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Aug 25, 2003 @ 4:38am. Posted in Media Coverage for Your Music.....
Coolness: 149290

Hour Magazine's lalla land is doing short reviews of underground mix tapes / CDs and albums / demos of original work. Local DJs and producers, if you're circulating your electronic/ urban music on the under-the-table, unlicensed tip, let the Hour know, and there's a good chance you'll get mentioned. Check the most recent lalla land for an example: [ www.hour.ca ]

send e-mail to slalla@hour.ca


send copies of material for review to
The Hour: attention STEVE LALLA
355 Ste. Catherine O.
Montreal, QC
H3B 1A5
» Czarkastik replied on Mon Aug 25, 2003 @ 1:05am. Posted in max/msp is now available for windows.
Coolness: 149290

anyone know where a guy can get ableton live? anyone?

for free, i mean
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Aug 22, 2003 @ 5:23pm. Posted in The Fatconductor.
Coolness: 149290
more peeps shoulda been up in this biotch, for one thing. Mad memfers all crawlin outtta the woodwork, good to seeya, good to seeya. The Phat Conductor went from old school ill funk tracks (where I got to hear the source music from some classic samples: "dedudumdumdum it's the joint..." , THE original amen beat, some other shit i forget... slowly workin' it all the way to more funky nuschool breaks sounds. bong. big up grillcrew. hamish, t'cha. bigup.
» Czarkastik replied on Fri Aug 22, 2003 @ 5:20pm. Posted in Makina, October 17th.
Coolness: 149290
mequina. machine. this is cool. at first i was like Makina? wtf is that? sounds like a japanimation bitch or some shit. then it was like, "machine" and shit... and i'm like TEK TEK TEK TEK TEK destroy THE ROBOTS kill kill BANG CLAK CLAK BANG CLAK CLAK tik tik BON BON BON BON aaaaaaaaah and shit. word.
Czarkastik's Profile - Community Messages