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This Class Rocks.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 10:55am
Coolness: 340090
so, what kinda salary does a HS drop out get as "Senior"..?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nordic_Avenger replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 1:55pm
Coolness: 40590
Dropouts get salaries?

That's right, I forgot McDonald's pays its workers...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Wed Oct 1, 2003 @ 2:03pm
Coolness: 201650
It's not so much that..

You could make a lot of money if you are a drop-out, but if you lose your job, or the whole industry collapses, then you are really fucked.

Also, it shows you are NOT a hard worker, that you CAN'T finish even a simple thing, and that you are fundementally LAZY. That is really the worst part.
This Class Rocks.
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