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Who Will Be The First Rave-Waver To Get Swine Flu?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cutterhead replied on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 11:44am
Coolness: 131920
question should be , who will be the last one standing.
I'm feeling tarfu right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» basdini replied on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 12:18pm
Coolness: 145525
you re all a bunch of fartsacs...
I'm feeling surly right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ONE.LAB.RAT replied on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 12:27pm
Coolness: 76465
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD

question should be , who will be the last one standing.

I'm feeling psychotic right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Zimmermau5 replied on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 12:54pm
Coolness: 77685
Ahahahahaha wow...
I'm feeling a river flowing thru right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Holly_Golightly replied on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 3:00pm
Coolness: 159060
Originally Posted By ASHLEYPEACE

Nobody should get the vaccine,what ever you do and how good they say it is.

wow.vaccine is part of the scientific revolution and has saved entire population from many different sickness. Many of those sickness are now considered eradicate.

If you haven't noticed,our economie is shit,and the UN wants to kill atlest more the half the population,so they can keep about 2 million pure blood's.racist fucks.

ok. you mix everything! you are confused and i really don't get what you talking about!haha

yes this economy is shit. so was all the other recessions.

but the UN have nothing to do with the economic status quo or the h1n1! a new stem of influenza is really not caused by human politics of any kind.

for the economic problems, i would mostly look in the direction of the international monetary fund, the world bank and the world trade organization and also the USA because all of three are dominated by this nation. not the UN.

and the ideology that you pin on the UN is actually a philosophy developed by Thomas Malthus around 1798. before his "an essay on the principle of population" was publish most british economists and politicians believed that population increases were desirable, in that they supplied extra workers on farms and in factories as well as creating elaborate family systems, which acted as security networks for the old and unemployed.

but the malthusian principles demonstrated that population, when unchecked, increased in a geometrical ratio, and subsistence for man in an arithmetical ratio..(a geometrical ratio increases by doubling while an arithmetical ratio increases by simple addition...though both ratios can double from 1 to 2 simultaneously, the geometric ratio, even if it begins the process at a substantially lower number, will always outstrip the arithmetical ratio..)

more recently in the 70's, Garrett Harding wrote "Lifeboat ethics: the case against helping the poor" wich is totally neo-malthusian.

maybe that's the ideology you refer to but it is not the UN who invented that concept or anything like that. and the UN is i believe one of the less secretive org. and the more open agenda wise, even if they are totally useless in a sens..

I suppose you can think of this as an Zombie outbreak,without the living dead.

mmm maybe in a bad movie.

Just carry a fuckload of hand sanatizer,and keep safe.

actually being a clean person is the top but living in a very sanitized world is not the best because that decreases the powers of your immune system...
Update » Holly_Golightly wrote on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 3:04pm
sorry about the long text hehe i am at home sick.. maybe perhaps ill be the first one to get the swine flu.. my nose swab test is scheduled tomorrow.. we'll see then. ha
I'm feeling hitched right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ONE.LAB.RAT replied on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 3:16pm
Coolness: 76465
sorry Betty, i got that flu before you.
1 and a half weeks later and i was fine.
I'm feeling psychotic right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cutterhead replied on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 3:35pm
Coolness: 131920

for christ sake guys , the medias talk about (H1N1) when the problem is with the (H5N1)

yall need to lurk moar.

and betty , a vaccine at this moment is not advised , since erradicating this phenotype will urge it to mutate.

Ever hear the word quarantine

this isnt PASTOR's days anymore and where arent talking about a small population that dont use airplains and boats everydays.

this raise the question : WHO IS CERTIFIED VIROLOGIST HERE ? WHO SPENDS ALL THEIR TIME TRYING TO SHINE LIGHT OVER THIS MATTER? OUR GOVERNMENT ? NO THEY SAID NOT TO WORRY ABOUT H1N1 (SINCE ITS H5N1 ANYWAYS) and to add the the pile, about 90% of the population thinks its H1N1 and eat all what the medias toss at them while ignoring the tru numbers online.

anyways , i got an other solution : lean the power armor perk, get the T-51b Power Armor / Helmet & ICBM controls , eat iguanna on a stick for meat , and never consult societies in your life ever again/
I'm feeling tarfu right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» JojoBizarre replied on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 3:40pm
Coolness: 295300
thats fallout in a nut shell :D
I'm feeling lacking sleep right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cutterhead replied on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 3:44pm
Coolness: 131920

Medical doses have to be tested way moar than a year for side effects and effectiveness.

THIS WAS NEVER DONE - ppl turned to bayer, mosanto for the answers instead.

do you know the U.S. passed a bill making it legal for major broadcast station to " change the news " to prevent population fright?
Update » cutterhead wrote on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 3:48pm
only the internet has free way for this information , FOR NOW .
I'm feeling tarfu right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» greatjob replied on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 6:26pm
Coolness: 282780
Betty I got it 3 weeks ago, we already determined that
And if you did have it, nobody should care. Its all sensationalized bullshit to get ppl like hamish thinking it could kill him if he goes to work tomorrow morning.

Grow up guys lol sheesh the chances of the h5 or even the h2 mutating in canada is like 5 in a million you tards. Why does everyone think they're a god damn scientist all of a sudden? My gf is in her 3rd year in nursing, she knows 1,000,000 times more about it than all of you combined. Don't make me get her on here to shut you all up.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Gamos replied on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 9:18pm
Coolness: 93820
Um... host_one, just cuz we're not scientists doesnt mean we dont know about swine flu. You dont need a degree to be informed. I think cutterhead and ashley_peace and even betty_haze know what theyre talking about. Did you see Cutterhead's picture that he copied from wikipedia? It looked pretty professional to me. And the Caps Locks he used made it seem like he was confident about his knowledge. Not to mention the updates...it was like he was reinforcing points he had made earlier with those. Very impactful.

And ashely's source is pretty fucking credible...A friend of her brother has friends who are scientists. Fuck man...Scientists. Thats almost as good as reading a science report by a scientist, or being a scientist yourself.

In fact, I woud say we're just as knowledgable, if not more so, than ur gf. For starters, your gf is being fed propaganda by an institution run by the man. Of course theyre going to tell her to reccomend vacination to the general public. In fact, ravers are the center of the resistance to the man...they especially want her to spread their mis-information so they can get H1N1 to do what they want it to do. They want ppl like us to get vacinated so we can die from it. That would be the end of the resistance. And they want us to get vacinated so N1H1 will mutate. And of course theyre going to tell her that the chance of mutation in 1 in 5 million; shes just part of their propaganda machine to make us get vaccinated.
I'm feeling a message in a bottl right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» greatjob replied on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 9:52pm
Coolness: 282780
I hope you're being sarcastic buddy, if not you just sounded like a fuckin moron. Copying and pasting info off wiki is retarded, you actually think that info is acurate? The only ppl who have valid points here are screwhead and betty. My gf being fed scientific facts is NOT propaganda, that just makes you a paranoid delusional, denying scientific facts when its clear as day. The vaccine is a good thing, it doesn't mean you can't fight it off yourself. I didn't even feel symptoms and I had it! 100 percent. So I don't need a vaccine now do I? I'm living fucking proof! If you stay inside and contain the virus it won't mutate and kill you and others (spread), does it look like we live in 3rd world conditions up here? Don't be fucking stupid.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» HamishTheMack replied on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 10:30pm
Coolness: 38345
Everyones gonna dies someday, I would just hate to die from swine flu, seems kinda wack

Its like "Oh yeah that guy Hamish died last week, fucking pigs killed him" you know what I'm saying

I think the best solution would be to just kill all the pigs
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» psych01 replied on Tue Oct 27, 2009 @ 10:52pm
Coolness: 36255
I wouldn't be surprised if I had/have it. xP
Hahah, I think it's a joke, seriously, who cares, we are all going to die anyways.. it's only a matter of TIME.
I'm feeling nut up or shut up right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mutante replied on Wed Oct 28, 2009 @ 12:24am
Coolness: 76505
Originally Posted By CUTTERHEAD

for christ sake guys , the medias talk about (H1N1) when the problem is with the (H5N1)

yall need to lurk moar.

and betty , a vaccine at this moment is not advised , since erradicating this phenotype will urge it to mutate.

Ever hear the word quarantine

this isnt PASTOR's days anymore and where arent talking about a small population that dont use airplains and boats everydays.

this raise the question : WHO IS CERTIFIED VIROLOGIST HERE ? WHO SPENDS ALL THEIR TIME TRYING TO SHINE LIGHT OVER THIS MATTER? OUR GOVERNMENT ? NO THEY SAID NOT TO WORRY ABOUT H1N1 (SINCE ITS H5N1 ANYWAYS) and to add the the pile, about 90% of the population thinks its H1N1 and eat all what the medias toss at them while ignoring the tru numbers online.

anyways , i got an other solution : lean the power armor perk, get the T-51b Power Armor / Helmet & ICBM controls , eat iguanna on a stick for meat , and never consult societies in your life ever again/

i was almost in that text
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» greatjob replied on Wed Oct 28, 2009 @ 12:28am
Coolness: 282780
I urge you all to mutante
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Gamos replied on Wed Oct 28, 2009 @ 12:40am
Coolness: 93820
yo host_one...i just remembered i owe you dinner. I passed that test, and i remember saying that if I did, I would thank you by buying swiss chalet or something cuz you set me up with that demonoid account.
I'm feeling a message in a bottl right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mutante replied on Wed Oct 28, 2009 @ 12:45am
Coolness: 76505
Originally Posted By HOST_ONE

I urge you all to mutante

Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» greatjob replied on Wed Oct 28, 2009 @ 1:55am
Coolness: 282780
Good stuff gamos. Send me a quarter chicken meal, extra roll extra gravy b.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cutterhead replied on Wed Oct 28, 2009 @ 2:03am
Coolness: 131920
tell me ,

does A.I.D.S. have a cure yet ?

no ? thank you that is all i have stated my point .

shit takes time to study.
I'm feeling tarfu right now..
Who Will Be The First Rave-Waver To Get Swine Flu?
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