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What The Fuck?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» PaLy replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 10:57pm
Coolness: 52000
I used to get insulted so much at work.. Even got 4-5 death threats.
Even though I'm not personally responsible for any of the customer's problems.
Complaints department for Bell Mobility was horrible..
So I can understand their point of view, it does get to your nerves after a while
But a law would definitely bypass the freedom of speech.
If they can't handle it, they should quit ;)
I'm feeling w00t! right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mico replied on Tue Jan 27, 2009 @ 11:53pm
Coolness: 150740
Originally Posted By LONE_STAR

Aussi, j'vois pas pourquoi les gens s'oppose à l'interdiction des masques. Nobody is infringing your right to free speech or preventing you from manifesting, what do you have to hide that you need to hide your face for? If you're proud enough in what you believe in, can't you show your face while representing your interests in a matter that doesn't make you look like a sketchball?

People are afraid that they will be profiled and subjected to harassment.
I'm feeling cool right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Lone_Star replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 6:33am
Coolness: 153335
There's options and other pre-cautions available to these people. Like pressing criminal charges for harassment, droit dla personne pour la discrimination, etc.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ApR1zM replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 7:49am
Coolness: 165080
moi je suis un peu contre les manifs anyways! cest comme dire esti si mon boss maugmente jdescend chez eux crier devant sa fenetre devant toute ses voisins...

WOW thats smart!

asteur avec l internet tu peut rassembler du monde virtuellement autour d une cause sans avoir a physiquement aller sur place faire du pseudo trouble de cave ak des pancartes! pkoi tu penses les caliss de syndicats font sa... cest des fucking pression de terroriste retarted!

moi quand je vois sa jme dit CALISS ARTOURNE a lecole pis pogne toe une job de performance! eesti de pogne cul de tabarnak!

voir quen 2009 on pense encore que le syndicat protege les employes... oh oui sa les proteges detre performant ... combien de fois d entend qu une compagnie syndicat a atteind des records de productions!
jamais cest un fucking virus oh shit attend deux seconde jpu dans le sujet moe la la

Bon matin :D
I'm feeling failling pailing right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» qwertyu replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 8:33am
Coolness: 73160
who cares, you have to be retarded to shout insults to a cop on duty no? Law or no law, i know for a fact that if i mouth off at a cop, he's gonna be pissed off and he'll arrest me on the spot for whatever reason that he could think of.

As a teenager i once got away with breaking and entering because i was cooperative and looked like a innocent man. A litte bit of smiling '' yes officer '' and of '' have a nice day '' goes a long way haha.
I'm feeling positif right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Shindy replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 8:47am
Coolness: 172120
Originally Posted By DONLOUIS

Ceux qui comprennent le francais lisez ceci ca fait reflechir
[ homepage.mac.com ]

I'm feeling gabber bitch right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» DonLouis replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 10:43am
Coolness: 84365
Originally Posted By LONE_STAR

C'est pas une journée à la cour dont les gens ont peurs mais surtout le montant du ticket. Quand on veux faire mal à qqun, on vise le porte-feuille.

Aussi, j'vois pas pourquoi les gens s'oppose à l'interdiction des masques. Nobody is infringing your right to free speech or preventing you from manifesting, what do you have to hide that you need to hide your face for? If you're proud enough in what you believe in, can't you show your face while representing your interests in a matter that doesn't make you look like a sketchball?

Pense au film V for Vendetta
et si ils n'avaient pas eu de masques?
I'm feeling my angel right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» sex.is.boring replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 11:04am
Coolness: 78550
Originally Posted By ARMANI

J'ai déjà pogné un ticket pour ça quand j'tais plus jeune. Insulte à un agent de la paix:160$ caliss. :( Mais bon, une ou 10 insultes c'est le même prix, faque si tu commences à les insulter lâche-toi lousse.

c'est pas moi qui a eu le ticket, mais quand j'étais au cégep, les policiers venaient souvent faire leur tour, et une fois un de mes amis avait fait "pok pok pok pok" en les voyant passer et il avait eu un ticket de 50 $ ou quelque chose du genre.

plus récemment, je marchais sur ste-catherine dans le village gay, et dans ma face deux policiers ont ramassé très brutalement un vieux clochard, genre ton grand-père de 85 ans mais itinérant là. un peu révoltée, je dis tout fort qu'il pourrait juste le laisser tranquille rendu là. la charmante policière me dit alors "si tu te la fermes pas je peux t'en donner un à toi aussi un ticket"

mais la meilleure ever, une de mes amies ses parents se sont mis à se battre chez elle. sa soeur appelle les cops. mon amie, elle, arrive alors qu'un des policiers met les menottes à son père. comme elle comprenait pas la situation, elle dit "aye lache mon père esti de gros cave", fek ils la menotte elle-aussi, une belle soirée en famille au poste de police
I'm feeling $%? right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» v.2-1 replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 11:37am
Coolness: 159400
Morale de l'histoire : les cops sont une estie de gang de susceptibles. Calisse, je travaille avec le public aussi pis je suis capable de dealer avec les insultes, c'est quoi leur excuse ?

Ils sont entrainés pour être capable de garder leur sang-froid lors d'une fusillade dans un lieu public mais ils ne sont capables de dealer des insultes.

I think they have serious issues. Après l'affaire Villanueva, me semble qu'ils devraient travailler pour redonner confiance à la population envers eux, pas l'inverse encore une fois.

La prochaine une police me gosse, je vais lui gueuler "FAIL !" dans face bien fort. Ah, c'est pas une insulte reconnue ça. : )
I'm feeling like marcus phenix right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Psyborg replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 1:43pm
Coolness: 105960
C'est une maudite bonne idée ça! :D
I'm feeling heureuse right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Lone_Star replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 3:01pm
Coolness: 153335
Originally Posted By DONLOUIS

Pense au film V for Vendetta
et si ils n'avaient pas eu de masques?

On ne vit pas dans une société aussi authoritaire que dans celui dans le film. Anyways... un film reste un film.

À mon avis, les règlements de ce genre ne sont pas fait pour être appliqués dès que ya insultes envers un agents dla paix, mais plutôt lorsque ça fait 3 fois que le policier dit à la personne de sacré son camp et que celui-ci décide plutôt de faire sa tête et continuer... ahh et de pogner les noms des ptits criss des gangs de rues. :)
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nathan replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 3:03pm
Coolness: 166825
alors si je le traite de Agent Epais ou lieu de Agent de La Paix, je ne devrai pas avoir de trouble? :P
I'm feeling you up right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Lone_Star replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 3:06pm
Coolness: 153335
"J'ai le syndrome de tourette *SIBOIRE*, Msieur le Juge *CALISSE* *FUCK*"
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Vegan replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 3:39pm
Coolness: 39050
I think it's an insult to pigs to relate them to (most) cops anyways!! XD
I'm feeling the strings right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» JojoBizarre replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 3:40pm
Coolness: 295255
so true, pigs, literally, eat anything, while cops only eat doughnuts!
I'm feeling to much reading right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Vegan replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 3:46pm
Coolness: 39050
Originally Posted By LONE_STAR

If you're proud enough in what you believe in, can't you show your face while representing your interests in a matter that doesn't make you look like a sketchball?

No, because then the authoritar will profile you and use it against you unjustly. You can be proud of what you believe in without wanting the authoritar (rich authoritar who generally who stand to financially lose from the ideals you propose) to know who you are.

Originally Posted By thread
So why is this law being passed just for police? It's not ok to insult the police, so why then don't they apply this law to everyone? Make it illegal to insult anyone at any time, ever.

That was my initial reaction too.
Update » Vegan wrote on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 3:56pm
Hey how's this for enforcement of that new proposal:

When I lived in Calgary I worked in a pizza place as the bar night girl (before going vegan). I had to leave the till for a second to go outside because people were having trouble getting into the restaurant. Why?

Because there was a fucking idiot slamming a guy's head repeatedly onto his cop car. Why? Because the guy had drunkenly called the cop a pig as he was driving by.

Girls were screaming for him to stop and he didn't. So I go outside and say to the cop, "WILL YOU PLEASE STOP MURDERING SOMEONE OUTSIDE MY SHOP? FOR FUCK SAKES!" (he was really slamming the guy's head, like, guy could have gotten a concussion and died for all I know). So he stopped.

We just glared at each other and I stomped back into my shop.

People who are on drugs (alcohol) are not really capable of making the best decisions sometimes in that state, and I don't think we should repeatedly slam their heads into cars because they don't want to be arrested for calling someone a pig. They are drunk, they call everyone names. Out of all people, cops should be the ones to uphold the peace regardless.
I'm feeling the strings right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Gamos replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 7:31pm
Coolness: 93775
I'm feeling like a failure right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» DonLouis replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 7:52pm
Coolness: 84365
Originally Posted By LONE_STAR

On ne vit pas dans une société aussi authoritaire que dans celui dans le film. Anyways... un film reste un film.

À mon avis, les règlements de ce genre ne sont pas fait pour être appliqués dès que ya insultes envers un agents dla paix, mais plutôt lorsque ça fait 3 fois que le policier dit à la personne de sacré son camp et que celui-ci décide plutôt de faire sa tête et continuer... ahh et de pogner les noms des ptits criss des gangs de rues. :)

Ouais mais tranquilement ces lois limitent notre liberté. C'est juste pas normal que la société soit de plus en plus authoritaire....
I'm feeling my angel right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» recoil replied on Wed Jan 28, 2009 @ 9:04pm
Coolness: 86785
Originally Posted By LAURENT

who cares, you have to be retarded to shout insults to a cop on duty no? Law or no law, i know for a fact that if i mouth off at a cop, he's gonna be pissed off and he'll arrest me on the spot for whatever reason that he could think of.

As a teenager i once got away with breaking and entering because i was cooperative and looked like a innocent man. A litte bit of smiling '' yes officer '' and of '' have a nice day '' goes a long way haha.


the last time I gave a cop any backchat I was like 19 years old and piss drunk in London Ontario.

as I recall, I called him a "clown" and ripped my ID out of his hand. I'm *very* lucky I didn't wind up in the back of the cruiser. I was totally asking for it.

point being... since then, I'm basically invisible to cops. they don't bother me, and, if I have to talk to them, I present myself as a mannerly law-abiding citizen.

I have a 100% clean record - never even had a ticket - and that's no coincidence. It's all about using common sense and being careful who you roll with

anyone who taunts a cop and thinks nothing is going to happen must be taking stupid pills
What The Fuck?
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