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Looking For A Poker Game ...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Strik_IX replied on Tue Jan 20, 2009 @ 1:09pm
Coolness: 88975
Daniel Negranu :P
I'm feeling <( ^_^ )> right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» bodkin_van_horn replied on Tue Jan 20, 2009 @ 1:24pm
Coolness: 40450
Daniel Negreanu maybe? :)
I'm feeling 93-97 right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Strik_IX replied on Tue Jan 20, 2009 @ 1:42pm
Coolness: 88975
Dainyel Neagreeanew
I'm feeling <( ^_^ )> right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» bodkin_van_horn replied on Tue Jan 20, 2009 @ 1:59pm
Coolness: 40450
Originally Posted By APR1ZM

please feel free to post your favorite poker links mine are :

[ thepokerbay.org ] (is down but should be back anytime )

[ www.bestpokertorrents.com ] <--- fully working plz share

[ www.twoplustwo.com ]
best poker site ever
pros post on the forum all the time
check the pokercast

[ pokertube.com ]
every televised match here (ummm I think)

[ www.cardplayer.com ]
video strategy section!!!!

[ www.leggopoker.com ]
new poker coach site
I'm feeling 93-97 right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» clown replied on Tue Jan 20, 2009 @ 2:01pm
Coolness: 222100
Originally Posted By BODKIN_VAN_HORN

Daniel Negreanu maybe? :)

yuppers.. thanks for the correction bro !! :)
I'm feeling white flaging right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Tue Jan 20, 2009 @ 9:19pm
Coolness: 340000
Here's a hand I just ran into at the casino tonight:

I have Ks 2s I'm 2nd from the button.

Player A: Call $2
Player B: Fold
Player C: Fold
Player D: Call $2
Player E: Call $2
Me: Call $2
Button: Call $2
SB: Call $2
BB: Call $2

Pot: $14

Flop: Jc Js 9s

Player A: Check
Player D: Check
Player E: Check
Me: Bet $11
Button: Call $11
SB: Fold
BB: Fold
Player A: Fold
Player D: Fold
Player E: Fold

Pot: $36

Turn: Jc Js 9s 9d

Me: Check
Button: Check

River: Jc Js 9s 9d 7s

Me: Check
Button: Bet $30

I know absolutely nothing about the guy since he's new to the table, he just put 1/3rd of his stack on the river on a very dangerous board.

You're me, you do _____ ?
I'm feeling pompous right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nathan replied on Tue Jan 20, 2009 @ 10:12pm
Coolness: 166880
if i understand correctly, you have 5 spades, incl. a King. but i'm sure the other guy has a full house, so...

if it isn't rent money, i say take a chance... but fold if you're not a gambler :P
I'm feeling you up right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 12:25am
Coolness: 340000
what? gambling? POKER ISN'T GAMBLING!!!!
I'm feeling pompous right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» bodkin_van_horn replied on Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 8:11am
Coolness: 40450
IF I were ME...I would fold Ks 2s preflop...or rasie 5-6x BB in the cutoff to thin out the field(try raising 4x BB and add a BB for each freflop limper - make em pay to see flops - if you get callers you can tell they're strong). Otherwise I'd muck that junk it has no +EV and I'd never limp into a pot with it. What would you have done if the Button rasied to 16 preflop and it was folded to you?

There are so many things that make it hard to make a judgement here. But I launch my cards in the muck at the 30$ raise. You've only got 20% equity in the pot...you can't raise...it's not a monster pot....you could be dead to a higher flush, and jacks full and nines full (all possible in a limped pot). If he's bluffing he takes your lunch money. If he bluffs at a board like that...his stack is yours later.

IF I were YOU...GAMBLE....shove! :))))))
Update » bodkin_van_horn wrote on Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 8:20am
one other thing...I wouldn't continuation bet or semi bluff in a limped pot with a board that has anything between 9-Q.....especially if the guy is short-mid stacking...unless he is the Rock of Gibralta

Danny Negraneaue writes about that situation.
Update » bodkin_van_horn wrote on Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 8:51am
I'm feeling 93-97 right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ApR1zM replied on Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 8:27am
Coolness: 165135
ok now i understand ! check the hand you just described ...
You have a good flush (not the best) and this guy is bettin over you at the end...


this guy might have :

all of which beats you...

and since ,like you said, you dont know that guy why would you engage more money in something you dont know? your job is to play while taking mental notes of that guy! try to see what kind of cards he plays , physical reaction to events etc...

because if you dont... YES you are Gambling!

K-2? seriously , after 3 ppl already in the pot ... BUT THEY WERE SUITED :(
I'm feeling failling pailing right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» bodkin_van_horn replied on Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 8:58am
Coolness: 40450
hey ApR1zM - check that card player link on my last post on continuation betting...and then ALL those strategy vids. They are huge. :)))
I'm feeling 93-97 right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 9:25am
Coolness: 340000
You guys are giving this guy too much credit. People who play poker at the casino are generally terrible. It's very easy to make money at the casino (if your hands hold up). I usually only lose money to suckouts there.
I'm feeling pompous right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» bodkin_van_horn replied on Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 10:36am
Coolness: 40450
Originally Posted By THE.NEOFORM

People who play poker at the casino are generally terrible.

you play there right?

So what was your thinking process for that hand? :)

When you made that continuation bet did you consider pot equity?

I think every play you made in that hand has a -EV in the long run (especially playing K2 suited loose / passive preflop). If you aren't one of those "terrible" players, you would take that situation home and re-evaluate it. You may have made a sic call on the riv (why should you have to under that situation when you could have folded eons ago?) and took down that specific pot (and felt like you were the best player around based on immediate results)....but in the long run those were all loosing plays.

I don't mean to sound like I know it all...I'm learning too. :)))
I'm feeling 93-97 right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ApR1zM replied on Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 11:02am
Coolness: 165135
yeah same here i dont hate anyone here im just trying to debate the topic ! lets try to keep insults (i do it too sometimes) to a negative level here!

and now that Neo told us why he make those kinda calls its a lil bit more understandable since he kinda reads the table and assume (from experience) that those guys usually are there to gamble(its a casino after all)

so yeah knowing that info can be very lucrative but its not perfect poker! but everybody has their own reasons to play and thats fine !
I'm feeling failling pailing right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» bodkin_van_horn replied on Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 11:28am
Coolness: 40450
Originally Posted By APR1ZM

yeah same here i dont hate anyone here im just trying to debate the topic ! lets try to keep insults (i do it too sometimes) to a negative level here!

and now that Neo told us why he make those kinda calls its a lil bit more understandable since he kinda reads the table and assume (from experience) that those guys usually are there to gamble(its a casino after all)

so yeah knowing that info can be very lucrative but its not perfect poker! but everybody has their own reasons to play and thats fine !

I aggree. But there are a things that can help us if we critize ourselves and talk it out like this. I'm open to the criticism and like it...it only betters my game.

The casino is a fish bowl. I've played there lots...but you don't start playing like them (if you really are a shark). You play better than them. If the button raised to 16$ preflop in the situation above? What do you do? If the small blind calls? What do you do? What if the guy UTG (initial limper) reraises? All of those are potential situations that happen all the time. K2s is simply not strong enough to hold up to any of those situations. So I would have folded way before the tuff decisions (that were sure to come . If I limp...I'm only doing what everyone else is doing. Trying to suck out....which in neoform's own words is "terrible".

There is little to justify the play in that hand in my humble opinion...unless I'm over looking something (I really wasn't there).

I love poker, can you tell? :))))
I'm feeling 93-97 right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ApR1zM replied on Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 12:07pm
Coolness: 165135
criticism is fine its the donkey-name-calling that i have problem with but it doesnt really affect me its usually from a soar loser so its all good :)) but yeah like you said we werent there!

hey we should organise a little get together at the casino of mtl soon and check it out and then talk about it over a 8$ beer :)))) so expensive

anyone went to Kahnawake to play ? theres a few nice place to play like : snake's club!
I'm feeling failling pailing right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Wed Jan 21, 2009 @ 2:25pm
Coolness: 340000
Late position raise into a near family pot.

I was playing strong positional poker against weak opponents.

I want to maintain a relatively loose image by raising at least one hand per round.

The flop bet was only partially a continuation bet, I was betting the flush draw.

My bet on the flop gives me first vigorish, if everyone folds, I win. If I get called and make my flush, the pot is bigger and there's an excellent chance the other player will pay me off since he likely has trips, this gives me amazing implied odds.

Folding was the only option on the river, since it's very unlikely the other player had anything less than a full house.
I'm feeling pompous right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» bodkin_van_horn replied on Thu Jan 22, 2009 @ 11:17am
Coolness: 40450
for the.neoform :)))

CD: Do you consider yourself a gambler?

Phil Ivey: Yes. Some people might be very good poker players, but I'll end up winning because I'm a better gambler. When I say that, I mean that I know when to quit, when to keep playing all night, when my opponent's off his game, and when I'm off my game. It's just knowing when to stay in the game and when you're not doing as well as you can be doing. That's all part of gambling. People say, "Oh, I'm not gambling when I'm playing poker." Yes, you are. But you've got to know how to do it. You're going to win in the long run if you're a better player than your opponents, but if you don't make better decisions, it's going to make it tougher for you to win. When you are playing against the best players in the world, your decisions are so important, and I've learned that the hard way before, playing in games that I shouldn't have been in, or playing longer than I should have. If you see me playing longer than 20 hours, I'm usually winning. There's a reason I'm staying that long. It's time to dig in.
I'm feeling 93-97 right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Thu Jan 22, 2009 @ 12:00pm
Coolness: 340000
I win.
I'm feeling pompous right now..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» bodkin_van_horn replied on Thu Jan 22, 2009 @ 12:19pm
Coolness: 40450
Apparently not when you play king deuce suited like a donk :)))))
I'm feeling 93-97 right now..
Looking For A Poker Game ...
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