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Do You Think It'S Possible For A Guy...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Intoccabile replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 6:57pm
Coolness: 65275
to be friends with a girl without any thoughts of making out with her ?

Or is it inevitably something part of what we call friendship ?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cvxn replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 7:49pm
Coolness: 179070
Well I think so.
I mean, I had this guy friend since a long time ago, and well, I've never seen him more than a guy friend, and I think it's the same thing for him too.

We're just not attracted to each other. Our pheromones don't match I guess loololol...
But we can still be friends and joke around :)
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 7:49pm
Coolness: 201650
only if you are gay
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Toltech replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 8:26pm
Coolness: 145845
of course you can....wow this is the most retarded I've ever heard....it's like an after school special question......and the answer is yes of course.....unless you like to make out with your sousins and ugly girls.....to each their own.....freak!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Hhm replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 8:41pm
Coolness: 56440
having girl has a friend is like looking at your ATM card and knowing you only have 19$ in your account......
[ ......us ]
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Godie replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 10:07pm
Coolness: 46640
tsk tsk. some people need to expand their knowlege
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» blop replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 10:16pm
Coolness: 200955
how else could i be friends with jeff? the only thoughts i have of his lips are them swallowing me whole in a tofu salad.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Miss_Amanda replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 10:32pm
Coolness: 160970
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» michaeldino replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 10:44pm
Coolness: 69400
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ontheroadagain replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 11:07pm
Coolness: 54760
Possible in very specific cases. Tougher if either of them finds the other even remotely attractive(enough for an "i wonder?" situation)

There better be some serious willpower invloved cuz an awkward friendship may be only a few tequila shots away.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Miss_Amanda replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 11:14pm
Coolness: 160970
true say on the tequila shots (or vodka)
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» michaeldino replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 11:14pm
Coolness: 69400
exactly.. if theres NO attraction at all.. ok
otherwise... COMPLETELY impssible
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» BOBDYLAN replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 11:18pm
Coolness: 148610
yeah, i mean, if truly, she is your friend:
damn right you can stand on a strong friendship without sexual behavior.

But in a affection-friendship between 2 sex(or same, what ever) behavior may lead you to more if, for example you are very drunk.

But generally, the persons (mister #7685, miss #8796) does not arrive at such conclusion if respecting each other.

maitre japonaise.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Intoccabile replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 11:23pm
Coolness: 65275
Before everyone on this board assumes that I'm a sex hungry freak all the time and that I just wanna hit on my friends let me explain ! LOL

A good friend of mine and I were having this same conversation today, whether it was possible or not for a guy to be friends with a girl without thinking about making out with her.

First, I have to say that girls do * not * think like guys, and therefore I cannot take their answers very seriously. I mean, a guy might look like he doesn't think of you * that * way, but what do you * know *...? Mmmhhh ? I'll state the obvious and say that a girl judges by using what is made available to her... but I believe that's what we call judging by appearances ? In an ideal world, all guys have clean thoughts and clean nobs.

I'll be short.

I think that... the fact that the guy will, at one point or another of the relationship, think about making out with his friend, has to be accepted. When I say thinking about making out, it doesn't have to be continuous, intense thoughts about wild and furious sex with the girl... these thoughts might last only one second... flashes !

For example, you agree to go shopping, because you're so nice you want to hold her bags while she shoe-shops.

And that day, she's looking sooo nice. New hair, new jeans, and, without her noticing, your eyes linger a little too long on her shirt-meat...


* That * is what I'm talking about.

These kind of moments. I have a lot of lady friends, and it happens sometimes.

These thoughts don't have to be explicit... no words in your head, just pure feeling lasting for a brief moment.

I think every guy has had one of these moments, when his body reacted to stimuli ( which is normal ...! ), but then the mind killed the bird ( desire / hunger, call it what you want ) in the egg

IMO a guy saying it has never happened is just not being honest with himself
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» BOBDYLAN replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 11:26pm
Coolness: 148610
Punanny bizniss...

IMO a guy saying it has never happened is just not being honest with himself

yeah it happen ! for sure it happen ! une expression francaise dit "qui s'assemble, se ressemble".
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» michaeldino replied on Sun Sep 12, 2004 @ 11:36pm
Coolness: 69400
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Mon Sep 13, 2004 @ 1:03am
Coolness: 340090
ask sarah if it's possible.

sarah, sleep with me.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mali replied on Mon Sep 13, 2004 @ 2:21am
Coolness: 202540
I can be friends with a guy no problem without thinking of nasty things..
only cause I am very picky with guys and find many of them ugly!!!!

But if I was a guy..ill like anything with boobs.. pussy or no pussy.. as long as there are boobies!!!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Nuclear replied on Mon Sep 13, 2004 @ 2:36am
Coolness: 2604420
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Miss_Amanda replied on Mon Sep 13, 2004 @ 10:37am
Coolness: 160970
hmm i'm gonna change my answer

i don't have many female friends (past experiences scar me..) so that might make my circle of friends a cesspool of single (wy are they all single? lmao), good looking, intelligent guys.
and i do love them very much- and we do go out drinking quite a bit
i guess if im being completely honest, you can count me in for alcohol-induced stimuli..
thank god nothing's ever erupted out of that
Do You Think It'S Possible For A Guy...
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