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BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:RAVE.CA V17.0 X-WR-CALNAME:Soulselecta: Graham J! X-ORIGINAL-URL:http://www.rave.ca/event/37670/ VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20100122T190111Z LAST-MODIFIED:20100122T190111Z CREATED:20100122T190102Z SEQUENCE:37670 ORGANIZER:Unknown DTSTART:20100123T220000Z DTEND:20100124T030000Z UID:event_37670@rave.ca SUMMARY:Soulselecta: Graham J! LOCATION:Brixton's URL:http://www.rave.ca/event/37670/ DESCRIPTION:XVI.com was always a big supporter of Soulselecta, and we're finally welcoming its co-founder, developer, and admin (and I hear he DJs too!) to Soulselecta! Graham started DJing in 1993, and has been a huge supporter of and contributor to Ottawa's underground scene ever since. He'll be joined by Soulselecta residents Saxon and gamma As always, NO COVER $3.50 drinks before 11, then $4 drinks until 12, and a pitcher deal all night CLASS:PUBLIC CATEGORIES: STATUS:CONFIRMED PARTSTAT:ACCEPTED END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR