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News (Media Awareness Project) - UK: Law Lord In Cannabis Call
Title:UK: Law Lord In Cannabis Call
Published On:2002-05-24
Source:Yorkshire Post (UK)
Fetched On:2008-01-23 06:31:46

A former Lord Chief Justice and one of the most distinguished judges in
England and Wales astonished colleagues yesterday by calling for cannabis
to be legalised. Lord Bingham of Cornhill, who as the senior law lord heads
the highest court in the land, said in The Spectator magazine that current
cannabis laws were "stupid". He backed the conclusions of a report chaired
by Viscountess Runciman two years ago, which called for widespread

When asked whether he would therefore legalise cannabis, Lord Bingham
replied: "Absolutely. It is stupid having a law which is not doing what it
is there for."
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