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News (Media Awareness Project) - US AZ: Move To Expose Drug Lords Stirs Anxiety Abroad
Title:US AZ: Move To Expose Drug Lords Stirs Anxiety Abroad
Published On:2000-06-01
Source:Arizona Republic (AZ)
Fetched On:2008-09-03 21:13:50

The Clinton administration likely will name notorious drug kingpins
today, seizing their assets and barring Americans from doing business
with them or their associates.

The crackdown targets the international drug trade, but many fear
innocent people and businesses could be harmed.

The Foreign Drug Kingpin Designation Act requires the White House to
send a list of traffickers to Congress by today and every year thereafter.

Anyone doing business with those listed also may have their U.S.
assets frozen or be barred from doing business with U.S. firms.

Federal drug czar Barry McCaffrey, in Phoenix on Wednesday for the
third annual U.S.-Mexican conference on drug demand reduction,
conceded the law has triggered "anxiety" abroad.

"We are going to be very responsible and judicious about this," he
said. But he added that the policy "holds individuals and businesses
accountable for their actions."
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