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??not My Child??
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» little_sarah replied on Wed Feb 4, 2004 @ 10:08pm
Coolness: 121745
best group therapy i've ever witnessed too
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Wed Feb 4, 2004 @ 10:08pm
Coolness: 201530
I'm disgusted at how fucked up the people who frequent this site have become
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» G__ replied on Wed Feb 4, 2004 @ 10:11pm
Coolness: 141670
i've read 3 pages of this thread...

the only thing i can say is...

Nat has no right to take the baby from Alex, if indeed it is his child, he has every right to see his kid, the fact that she has cut off all connections with him, isn't a very possitive, nor convincing move of her responsibility...

Now, none of this should be taken as an insult, but from whatever little i've known of Nat, she did not seem to be someone who is responsible enough to take care of a child on her own, and i'd have to say, Alex, at a time wasn't either, i still don't think he'd be alright on his own, but i know, the last times i've seen him, he has made visable changes to his personality, and he seems dedicated enough to the child (and lets face it, he has every right to bring the child up as Nat does) and he should definetly have a say in the childs upbringing...

i have to say, Alex, find out what you can, it's your right to, and with a little time, Alex could be a good father.

i'm going to read the rest of this thread now, i will probably be editing my post soon
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» hayley replied on Wed Feb 4, 2004 @ 10:54pm
Coolness: 82950
Originally posted by KICKUPASLUT...

the people defending her were the ones doing k with her in that bathroom stall.

ironic, huh?

i defended her and pardon me but i dont do k. i never did drugs with nat and always encouraged her to quit and shes done a pretty good job.

im proud of her. its normal to go through a lil bit of crazy sometimes. all new mothers especially young ones will go through patches of uncertainty where theyll make mistakes.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» wisp replied on Wed Feb 4, 2004 @ 11:00pm
Coolness: 97625

ppl that are defending her were doing k with her.

maybe not you, but some ppl here should think before they speak.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» hayley replied on Wed Feb 4, 2004 @ 11:06pm
Coolness: 82950
mm ok then.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Feb 5, 2004 @ 1:08am
Coolness: 174395
pfttt lakester is just being nice to nimi so he can get a blow job. Dude you don't have to be nice all you have to do is wear camo.
Update » Holly_Golightly wrote on Wed Jun 27, 2007 @ 9:06pm
bye :)
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Feb 5, 2004 @ 1:11am
Coolness: 174395
hey everyone that is judging Nat or bitching at Caro or Hayley can shut the fuck up. You think you people know the situation? no you don't. You people think you know the people within the situation? no you don't. Have you witnessed any of the mothering skills nat has or doesn't have? no you haven't. You think you know what it is to have a child? No you don't. *except seb and his lady

You people think you are all high and mighty cos in your vision of when you do have a child, you are going to be the best parent. Well until that happens and you show your wonderful capabilities, why don't you stop pretending like you actually know what you are talking about.

Maybe Nat has cut ties with the father for a reason. Do you know the story behind it? no you don't.

Now obviously i am not taking side cos you know, i could give a fuck. But you people shouldn't be taking sides. You have nothing but a biased opinion.

And honestly this isn't the place to discuss such shit. If you really care about your child and want to aid in the upbringing, you'd be talking to child services, a lawyer, not fucking ravewave asking for sympathetic bantering.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» wisp replied on Thu Feb 5, 2004 @ 1:15am
Coolness: 97625
shut up, jeff.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Feb 5, 2004 @ 1:17am
Coolness: 174395
mmm the point of my response is to get everyone to shut up, you aswell.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Bunnytronix replied on Thu Feb 5, 2004 @ 1:25am
Coolness: 152815
I personaly think both of you (Nat and Alex) aren't fit to raise a child right now. (and I do kow the situation)
that doesn't mean your bad parents already...
but just... now's not the time to do it, if you still wanna party.
But yeah.. Social service should be if you guys' parents don't wanna take care of them. Keep it on the friendly side... adoptee family could get weird.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» blop replied on Thu Feb 5, 2004 @ 1:42am
Coolness: 200835
i'm really glad i'm not very close with anyone in this circle of friends. way to air out the dirty laundry, fuck.

also, i shed a tear for this kid. can you imagine him reading this thread when he's older? the petty drama, name calling, and disgusting way everyone involved is now treating his birth?

you should be ashamed of yourselves, you know who you are.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» lakester replied on Thu Feb 5, 2004 @ 3:00am
Coolness: 59985
Originally posted by UPON-TORN-WINGS...

pfttt lakester is just being nice to nimi so he can get a blow job.

well, that's your theory at least.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mali replied on Thu Feb 5, 2004 @ 4:02am
Coolness: 202420
Alex you got some information that you been looking for. I would like you to contack me though, so we can talk if you want.

Jeff is absolutly right

I actually had a long paragraph written.. buttt.. I deleted most of it, cause there isn't a point.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cloud9ine replied on Thu Feb 5, 2004 @ 7:43am
Coolness: 139025
Alex: Get a Lawyer, asap.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Miss_Amanda replied on Thu Feb 5, 2004 @ 8:01am
Coolness: 160850
From what I know, Nat's ex 'Anthony' believed from the beginning that it was his child and Nat just encouraged him to think so because it was easier.
And from what I know, Nat cut off connection with 'Alex'- the baby's 'father'- because of his drug use
However, now that he has quit drugs and she hasn't quit using recreationally, it's somewhat hypocritical of her
I believe that neither of them are ready to be parents and take care of a child on their own
it helps that your families are willing to help you guys out- but why would Nat run away from that?

you have more rights than you think you do.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» little_sarah replied on Thu Feb 5, 2004 @ 9:49am
Coolness: 121745
Originally posted by UPON-TORN-WINGS...

Have you witnessed any of the mothering skills nat has or doesn't have? no you haven't. You think you know what it is to have a child? No you don't.

You people think you are all high and mighty cos in your vision of when you do have a child, you are going to be the best parent. Well until that happens and you show your wonderful capabilities, why don't you stop pretending like you actually know what you are talking about.

jeff, we might not know exactly how she is when she's with the baby- but no mother should be doing those things- under any circumstance. maybe we don't know what it's like to have a baby, but that's coz i'm smart enough to use birth control in the first place.

i know as a responsible human being (even without a child) i'm not doing drugs and i would never bring a child into this world if i were.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» little_sarah replied on Thu Feb 5, 2004 @ 9:50am
Coolness: 121745
Originally posted by LITTLE SARAH...

Originally posted by Upon-Torn-Wings...

Have you witnessed any of the mothering skills nat has or doesn't have? no you haven't. You think you know what it is to have a child? No you don't.

You people think you are all high and mighty cos in your vision of when you do have a child, you are going to be the best parent. Well until that happens and you show your wonderful capabilities, why don't you stop pretending like you actually know what you are talking about.

jeff, we might not know exactly how she is when she's with the baby- but no mother should be doing those things- under any circumstance. maybe we don't know what it's like to have a baby, but that's coz we (or me anyway) are/is smart enough to use birth control in the first place.

i know as a responsible human being (even without a child) i'm not doing drugs and i would never bring a child into this world if i were.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Violence_Inc replied on Thu Feb 5, 2004 @ 10:02am
Coolness: 174395
hey sarah just because one doesn't do drugs doesn't make them a better person. I've seen a fuck load of morons who are drug free but abuse people.

In terms of the kid, i hope he gets the best life he can get. Now i don't think either of them were ready for a child, but the reality of the situation is the child was born and she wants it. It is not our place to deem whether she is a proper mother or not, that decision belongs to child services.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» little_sarah replied on Thu Feb 5, 2004 @ 10:04am
Coolness: 121745
people who abuse others shouldn't have babies either. and doing drugs is still something a parent shoudln't do- there's worse out there- btu it's still not the best possible thing for the baby. just don't try and defend that a mother doing drugs is okay.

and i agree, about the rest 100%
??not My Child??
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