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To All Americans Living In Canada
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mr_President replied on Thu Sep 25, 2003 @ 11:56pm
Coolness: 46585
As 2004 approaches so does the next US presidential election. The past 3 years have been extremely detrimental to our country and it is time that we demand change. George Bush must be ousted from office before he can do any more damage. As Americans living in Canada you still have a voice

Democrats Abroad is the official Democratic Party organization for some six million American citizens who live outside the United States. We work to support the aims and principles of the Democratic Party. We are recognized as a "state" committee by the Democratic National Committee and are represented on the DNC by eight members.

Democrats Abroad has committees in over 30 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas. These country committees are responsible for keeping Americans abroad informed of their rights and helping them to participate in the U.S. political process, even though they are far from home. Some country committees, such as Democrats Abroad Germany, are divided into local chapters.

Democrats Abroad aims to help all Americans living outside of the United States participate in federal elections by enabling people to register and request an absentee ballot as well as find information about candidates and elections.

There are Representatives in essentially every region of the Country. I personally represent the Montreal Chapter. The organization is spreading throughout the country with the common goal of putting Bush in his place: on the curb in front of the White House not in it.

I encourage all you Americans living abroad to contact us to get more info. We encourage contributions of time and or money but most importantly we want to help you to realize your rights as American citizens living abroad.

Here are some contact numbers for any of you who are interested in learning more about the organization;

Website: [ www.democratsabroad.org ]
General Canada Contact:
Joe Green
Democrats Abroad Canada
1-877-336-2008 (beyond the GTA)

Or you can contact me in the Montreal Branch;
Alexander Blackstock
Democrats Abroad Canada
Montreal Representative

Thank you for your time.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 12:05am
Coolness: 66845
To all americans living in Canada:

please go away
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 12:21am
Coolness: 201555
Yes alex, that's what Canada needs, a more nationalistic attitude. (sarcasm)
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mr_President replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 12:47am
Coolness: 46585
What Canada needs is a next door neighbour that respects us and realizes how important our (I say our because yes I am also a Canadian) country is.

As long as Bush is in office that will not be the case..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 12:58am
Coolness: 66845
I couldn't care less what americans think of us.

As a whole, America is the epitomy of hypocrisy. How many wars have they led for the fight of democracy when America itself is not a true democractic nation?

Fuck them
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» nothingnopenope replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 1:16am
Coolness: 201555
Wars for power, yes.

Wars for resources, yes.

Wars for democracy, hell no.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» El_Presidente replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 1:23am
Coolness: 299655
i agree with alex's first statement. *puts foot down*
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 1:29am
Coolness: 339995
hey alex.
fuck you.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» El_Presidente replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 1:32am
Coolness: 299655
i couldnt agree more now
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 1:33am
Coolness: 339995
ok, All french people, go back to france.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» El_Presidente replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 1:34am
Coolness: 299655
im not originally from france.

that makes you a fag
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 1:40am
Coolness: 339995
oh, uh yeah, french people don't come from france, they come from iraq.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 1:52am
Coolness: 66845
good thing I'm not french.

But at least France is democratic. I like the theory of democracy and I like it when countries implement it nicely, like canada.

The US voting system is undemocractic though...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» neoform replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 2:00am
Coolness: 339995
yeah, so because you disagree with the american government you feel the need to lash out at any/all americans living in canada.

nice to see your living the ideal canadian diplomatic lifestyle there eh?

Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 2:16am
Coolness: 66845
lets make things clearer for you:

America has done almost nothing to make the world a better, safer place to live in. America has put itself at risk of attack (re: 9/11), America has put its people at risk of being killed, America has no democracy, America has no morals, America is full of ignorance.

And americans are proud to be american. They think everything their country does is right and just.

Of course, this is the MAJORITY of americans. The minority, though extremely small, actually have a brain inbetween their ears. Some of them do live in Canada.

But for the most part, I do not like americans and I'd rather not have them in our country, plaguing us with their nonsense.

Hope that makes things clearer. Oh, and the reasoning behind disliking americans is the same for any group of people who blindly follow leaders who are clearly committing unjust acts, such as jews (special note, its socially acceptable to be anit-american and infact, socially encouraged, but if you're anti-israel you are deemed a racist bastard), indians, arabs, quebecers, british, ect ect ect.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» errorizE replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 3:17am
Coolness: 61170
JEWS != israel.
israel is a land. According to the bible, israel is a jewish state.
So if you Diss Israel, yes, jews do get offended.

Why ? because israel is in the jewish bible. Most of the jewish bible is bassed off the stories that happen in israel.

Why is it okay to be Anti-American and not Anti-Israel ?

Because you are not offending any Religion. Find me ONE bible that says anything about America.

no one gives a fuck about america. its not a holy land.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 3:23am
Coolness: 66845
thats actually a good point.

However, politics and religion don't mix, and no one is talking about religion.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» errorizE replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 3:31am
Coolness: 61170
Americans living in Canada is a good thing.

The more money that stays in canada the better it is for our economy. Back in the days Canadians used togo to platsburg to shop and save a buck or two. Today it seems to be the opposite. The more americans spend there money in canada The better it is for our economy.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Toltech replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 3:31am
Coolness: 145750
But at least France is democratic. I like the theory of democracy and I like it when countries implement it nicely, like canada.

don't speak too fast and chek your facts...

The President, Jacques Chirac who only got elected because, since France's presidential elections work in a 2 rounds fashion, people were faced with a choice between Chirac and Jean-Marie
Le Pen, leader of the "Front National".

Le Pen's FN party is one of the most right-extremist French parties (if not the most) also known for it's racist beliefs.....so basically, he won with 85% of the votes at the second round but the votes weren't really for him, they were against Le Pen.

Chirac had a fraudulent past as the head of the French Republic by screwing the budget at his own advantage (btw, this is not his first mandate) and pasted a law that gives him complete immunity while being President, on top of that!!!! In other words, if he hadn't been elected at the last "presidentielles", the man would have been trialed and throwned in jail by now.

Did you guys hear that Chirac spent his summer in Quebec? Do you know what he did when he was told that many elders were dying because of the heat wave back in France?(a total of around 15 THOUSAND deaths!!!!) He took his sweet ass time and only got back 3 weeks after the whole disaster started (i.e: at the end of the mess). He told the nation that they did all they could as soon as they found about the [ catastrophy.....ca ] just cut your vacations short for a silly detail like that, can u?

Many believe that Chirac opposed the War in Iraq for the simple reason that most Frenchmen opposed the war also. Another reason is that his army was not "approved" as ready to fight in Iraq. He's not known for being a man who's honest and who stands by his words. He's known for contradicting himself.....he speaks against imperialism but at the same time, hosts a G8 assembly in the city of Calais, welcoming with open arms Dobia Bush. He also forbited José Bové to show up at the WTO summit in Cancun. While José Bové is a very hands-on activist who got encarceraded for burning genetically modified plants by the Minister of The Interior....how fucking lame is that?!

He tells his people what they want to hear and the reason and he doesn't even bother being that subtle when he contradicts himself and studies show a strong will of re-electing him at the next elections, are beyind locial understanding....the next presidential elections are scheduled to take place in 2007 but studies already show a strong support for him......go figure!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Fri Sep 26, 2003 @ 4:05am
Coolness: 66845

Americans living in Canada is a good thing.

The more money that stays in canada the better it is for our economy. Back in the days Canadians used togo to platsburg to shop and save a buck or two. Today it seems to be the opposite. The more americans spend there money in canada The better it is for our economy.

Our economy is stronger than the US economy. We achieved this through a few means. One, Canada purposefully kept the dollar low with everything they could think of, thus attracting international business and making canadian products very cheap. Two, americans in all their profound glory, fucked up. 9/11, accounting fraud, investing more on their war on terror than their own economy, bam. US economy plummits. Our dollar goes up in strength while ironically at the same time our economy booms. If you want to be really technical, before the SARS/BSE cases, we had the strongest economy in the world, making us the most powerful nation in the world (military is not power, money is power). Now, we're second place I believe, but only because the EU took over.

As long as americans buy our products, its ok. I just don't want to speak to them.



regardless of whether or not people will vote for Chirac again or not is besides the point. Everyone is going to vote for the Liberals in Canada and they will win and they will continue to be in power for a long time to come unless Paul Martin does something so ridiculously stupid that people will actually vote for the right wing parties or worse, the NDQ.

But at least our votes are taken into account. The US voting system is archaic and doesn't work that way. You vote, the votes are tallied, then the electoral college steps in, and assumes what people want based on those votes and then these select few people vote on who becomes the next president. In other words, the your vote in america doesn't count for anything since its not your vote that decides who is president or not. Why do you think Bush is in power? The popular vote was in Gore's favor but the E.C. assumed people wanted Bush, so Bush won.

Canada's system isn't perfect either, but its a lot better than the states. Heck, the whole idea of a minority government is proof of that. Its a method of compensation, based on the fact that not all ridings have the same population and blahblahblahblah, its complicated to explain heh.
To All Americans Living In Canada
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