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Fuck You P.q.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» BA_Baracus replied on Tue Apr 15, 2003 @ 3:41pm
Coolness: 121320
no thats dementia and
its insulting to compare the 2

were you in the germany 60 years ago?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» clown replied on Tue Apr 15, 2003 @ 4:04pm
Coolness: 222050
man.. this might get ugly, but comparing nazi-ism to the PQ is bad bad bad..

Just take the best example, Israel VS Palestine.. its kinda like the same thing here, only that the french have found ways to actually KEEP there teritory (for now).. the sovernest act would only help ensure there rights here in quebec, and plus, it would lower our taxes and make us a neutral country.

anyhoo.. whats done is done.. lets just hope charest doesn't totally fuck up what the PQ has built over the last 4 years..
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Tue Apr 15, 2003 @ 5:04pm
Coolness: 66800
the PQ has built up a bad economy, fucked around, dicked around, burnt our hospitals to the ground, merged cities, and pretty much made a good example of what not to do when your in power.

oh, I also compare Israel's government to nazism, as well as american's government to nazism.

Mind you, you can't compare all three together. consider them offshoots of nazism, kinda like how the human species evolved into Homo Erectus, Neandrathals, and Homo Sapiens. Three somewhat distinct species all evolving from the same source.

Quebec Seperatism, Bush Neo Conservatism (I like to call it Nixonism), and Israel's Oppressionism all resemble certain political and philosophical concepts and aspects of nazism. And its a quite fair analogy to make. If they don't like it, they should just change their tactics, thats all.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» mdc replied on Wed Apr 16, 2003 @ 10:55am
Coolness: 149100
i agree entirely with voidnull...

the PQ, not just because they want to destruy our beautiful country, sucked as leaders of quebec... even though separatism wasnt at the forefront of their programs in the last 5 or 6 years, its still in their business... and thats been causing lots of problems... because instead of working WITH ottawa, quebec has always been fighting them... with a afederalist governement, we will finally receive HELP from ottawa... they wont just dismiss quebec because we're going to kick them in the groin and say: "we're separating, we dont want your help"

bah well... thats my opinion...
and i think comparing the PLQ to the US is MUCH MUCH MUCH more insulting than comparing the PQ to the nazis...
the pq want ethnic segregation.... wtf? you are ALREADY a distinct society... that ottawa still has a minimum of power over you doesnt make any difference to your people's culture... fuck....
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Wed Apr 16, 2003 @ 11:31am
Coolness: 66800
The PLQ are far from americans. If anything, having a PLQ government will ensure that the entire country can operate properly.

The PQ are notorious for picking fights with anyone and everyone and that hindered progress.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mr_Frog replied on Thu Apr 17, 2003 @ 2:57am
Coolness: 97385
err, comparing PQ to nazism is just lame.

Progress? Where the fuck were you in the last 10 years?

A friend of me posted this on another board to answer someone who was saying the same thing than you, withtout any facts, without any knowledge, just like you looks like, please read it.

It's in french:

Je vais faire un retour sur tout ce que le Parti Québécois a réussi depuis 1998...soit depuis le dernier mandat. Après que j'en vois un qui dise qu'ils n'ont rien foutu......

La croissance économique a non seulement dépassé celle du Canada, mais aussi celle de tous les pays de l'OCDE. L'an dernier, il s'y est créé 168000 emplois, soit près de 40% de tous les emplois au Canada. Le taux de chômage, qui avait atteint 13% sous le PLQ en 1994, est passé à 8,2% en juin 2002, l'un des niveaux les plus bas depuis 25 ans. Et les exportations québécoises ont crû de 75% depuis 1994.

Pour une cinquième année consécutive, le Parti Québécois a déposé un budget équilibré. Il a aussi permis au Québec de rétablir sa crédibilité auprès des agences de cotation et de sortir de la léthargie dans laquelle le PLQ l'avait plongé avec un déficit atteignant 6 milliards de dollars en 1994-95.
Depuis 1998, le poids de la dette est passé de 44,6% à 35,1% en pourcentage de PIB.

Réduction d'impôt
Plus de 4 milliards de réduction d'impôt entre 2000 et 2005. C'est sûr que avec ces réductions déjà prévu, le PLQ va en profiter pour dire que c'est eux qui on décidé cela. Mais c'est les budgets déposés par Pauline Marois qui avait prévue ces baisses d'impôts.

Les deux tiers des surplus dégagés par le gouvernement du Parti Québécois après l'élimination du déficit ont été réinvestis en santé. Création d'une Commission d'étude sur les services de santé et les services sociaux, dont les recommandations ont été dévoilé en novembre 2002, et qui a été accueilli favorablement par le milieu de la santé. C'est encore le PLQ qui va s'en servir....ou créer sa propre commission pour voguer gaiement vers un nouveau déficit....

Mise en place en 2000 d'une réforme avec le renforcement des matières de base au primaire. Investissement de 1 milliard dans le réseau de l'éducation. Dès 2004, augmentation du nombre d'heure de cours au secondaire.

Politique Familiale
Dès 2000, tous les enfants d'âge préscolaire sont devenus admissibles aux garderies à 5$. Si le Parti Québécois aurait continué c'est 200000 places en services de garde qui aurait été offert en 2006. Et si le projet des congés parentaux du Québec n'aurait pas été bloqué par le fédéral, on aurait le plus avantageux et le mieux adapté des programme de congé parentaux. je le sais...j'ai trois enfants...Il ne faut pas oublier la politique de l'autoroute de l'information qui à permis à plusieurs familles de découvrir le merveilleux monde de l'internet à peu de frais.

Le Parti Québécois a innové avec sa politique de l'eau. Tous les enjeux relatifs à l'eau sont concernés par cette politique: santé publique, gouvernance de l'eau, écosystème, usages agricole, industriel et municipal, activités récréotouristique.

Le budget alloué à la culture a fait un bond de 20% et celui du Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec de 50%, ce qui a permis de soutenir, dans toutes les régions, la créations. l'expérimentation et la production artistique.

Cité et Métropole
Le Parti Québécois a eu le courage de mener à terme la nécessaire réforme des municipalités amorcée durant la Révolution tranquille. Les nouvelles grandes villes dispenseront des services plus efficaces à des coûts moindres et dans un cadre fiscal plus équitable. Elles pourront également mieux relever le défi de la concurrence nord-américaine et internationale. Comme preuve, en février dernier la firme Moody's a amélioré la cote de Montréal, jugeant qu'elle dépasse les attentes en matière de gestion du budget, de services et de fiscalité.

Entente Historique
Par la conclusion d'ententes historiques comme la Paix des braves avec les Cris et le partenariat avec les Inuits, le gouvernement du Parti Québécois a ouvert la porte au développement d'un gigantesque potentiel hydroélectrique et favorisent une plus grande autonomie des communautés crie et inuite.

En juin 1999, le québec est devenu la première société nord-américaine, et l'une des rares au monde, à abolir dans ses lois toute distinction sur l'orientation sexuelle. C'est également le seul endroit au Canada ou les couples homosexuels et hétérosexuels ont les mêmes droits et obligations. Et en juin 2002, une autre étape majeure a été franchie avec l'adoption d'une loi reconnaissant l'union civile des conjoints de même sexe.

Selon Statistique Canada, la performance touristique du Québec en 2002 a été supérieure à celle de l'Ontario et de l'ensemble du Canada. Depuis 1999, le nombre de visiteurs a passé de 1 à 6 millions. L'itinéraire cyclable de la Route verte sera complété d'ici 2005 et comptera alors 4200 kilomètres de voies cyclables.


If you can prove me that this is wrong and that we had a such bad economy, go ahead. If you don't call these facts progress, well, explain me what they are.
PQ did the big-assed job with reforms because Quebec's economy needed it. Do you think that we are living in a place where money does not count, where you can have everything for free? Do you really think we can still live on money we don't have and own? That why they cut in several places, they did not cut for "fun" and because they can't administrate anything, eh.

As for fusions, why are you all crying about it? People are saying: THIS WAS UNDEMOCRATIC!! WTF! please go back to school and learn a bit of politic please. We are living in a representative democracy, and it means that by voting, you give your power to decide to someone else. People who want referendum should also want referendum on income taxes, on cut in public services, on road's budget, on food taxes, on bus pass price, on electricy's price, on alcohol's regulation, on drugs regulation, on the wages of police officers, ..., since it concern all of us!

Other who are complainingh about: "I LIVE IN WESTMOUNT AND I DON'T WANT TO PAY FOR VERDUN!". Hello! You are living in something called a society. Stop thinking for you only, think about the benefit for the society and the economy.

And by the way, PLQ is by far in the right that the PQ, and a bit less than ADQ. PQ is even considered as a socialism party by some US political analysts!

I do not say that PQ is the best party around and did a perfect job, I even once wanted to vote for the ADQ, but they changed all their program. But, fuck, comparing PQ with nazism, please go back to school and open an history book on WW2 and read everything since 1920. Comparing PQ or ADQ to nazism like this is just proving ignorance.

Thank you.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» El_Presidente replied on Thu Apr 17, 2003 @ 7:40am
Coolness: 299610
alex he's yours
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Thu Apr 17, 2003 @ 11:43am
Coolness: 66800
#1) We are the most taxed people in North America. This is partly due to the need to fund things such as the french language police, that expo on the french language by government officials and businesses, paying $600000 for silient flush toilets in the ministry of health while overcrowding was reaching 200%, do I really need to continue?

#2) In the time the PQ was in government, our health care system has fallen apart. If you don't see it, don't bother replying to this.

#3) The PQ got a lot from Canada, but not by proper politics, by insighting fear into the Canadian government that if it doesn't do whatever the PQ asks for, the PQ will use it against them for the cause of seperatism.

#4) City amalgamation. It was forced down our throats with no referendum or public debate. THIS SYSTEM DOES NOT WORK. Even in an economicly strong city as Toronto, it DOES NOT WORK. And we have already seen the effects of it.

#5) Job creation? Such as? The PQ rarely intervened in anything unless it was with Hydro Quebec. Major factories shut down, cities ignored, people lost their jobs.

#6) Lucien Bouchard did not actually artificially help the economy. Instead, he was a softliner on seperatism and focuses on other things. That stance ALONE helped improve the economy from the state it was in 1995. Remember 1995? Remember St. Catherine street back then? Tell me, is that progress? No. From 1995 to present, the economy has improved due mostly in part to the effort made by the cities of Quebec. And if a city could not make it, it got fucked. We've seen it many times.

#7) The drug program did not work.

#8) Taxes went UP.

#9) Ontario and the US sucked us dry
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Thu Apr 17, 2003 @ 11:44am
Coolness: 66800
and one more thing

The PQ aren't nazis, they are the evolution of nazism.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» El_Presidente replied on Thu Apr 17, 2003 @ 11:46am
Coolness: 299610
nicely said alex. mad props to the giant!
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Thu Apr 17, 2003 @ 4:01pm
Coolness: 685875
Yeah. Nazis chased out and made it illegal to be of a certain race and/or religion. They opressed people who didn't fit their criteria (Blond hair/blue eyed non-jewish germans).

Here, english is slowly becoming more and more illegal to display. People are being forced out of learning a language that the rest of the world uses to learn exclusively a language that's fast becoming archaic. Technically, it's illegal to hold a job unless you can speak french here in quebec.

They're just nazis with a diffrent set of criteria.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» ApR1zM replied on Thu Apr 17, 2003 @ 4:01pm
Coolness: 165085
La justice nique ta mere ! oui jsuis francais booka
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Thu Apr 17, 2003 @ 4:06pm
Coolness: 685875
Moi ausi j'suis francais. Mais just pcq j'suis nai a parle une certaine langue veut pas dire que j'suis fiere de s'que le rest du monde qui parle cete langue font avec des faut pretense de perdre leur heritage. Une excuse pour essaye de justifie des action naziesque ne valide pas les action faite.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Thu Apr 17, 2003 @ 4:21pm
Coolness: 66800
you did that with babelfish you liar
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Screwhead replied on Thu Apr 17, 2003 @ 4:35pm
Coolness: 685875

I can't type french for shit. Unlike the majority of the french population, I've realised that the language is almost dead and ever since gettin 98% in sec 5 french at cartier, I've prett much given up on remembering the grammar of it. I can speak just fine, but the written is like, gone. Also, my french tping sucks but my spoken is usually way better than most french people here in quebec, because I was raised by a european familly on french, not on a french dialect.
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» dorobo replied on Thu Apr 17, 2003 @ 4:43pm
Coolness: 64735
city amalganation: get over it

really, what difference does it really make for *you*?
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» G__ replied on Thu Apr 17, 2003 @ 5:04pm
Coolness: 141650
you can't compare the P.Q. to Nazi's

Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» OMGSTFUDIEPLZKTX replied on Thu Apr 17, 2003 @ 8:16pm
Coolness: 66800
what difference does it make?

Lack of social and civil services, law enforcement, and many other things. Thats what difference it makes to me...
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» cloak replied on Thu Apr 17, 2003 @ 8:33pm
Coolness: 57710
seriously, i wonder what kind of prime minister each of you would make.

and p.q. as "the evolution of nazism"?...
are you pityful enough to feel that you are being repressed ?
it is my pleasure to inform you that most jobs require that their employees speak and write BOTH french and english, not putting you dear monospeakers in a more difficult social adaptation.

-on dirait un débat d'élèves du secondaire simili-conscientisés-
Good [+1]Toggle ReplyLink» Mr_Frog replied on Thu Apr 17, 2003 @ 9:17pm
Coolness: 97385
Fuck You P.q.
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