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News (Media Awareness Project) - Australia: Anger At Dance Drug Wrist Slap
Title:Australia: Anger At Dance Drug Wrist Slap
Published On:2006-01-03
Source:Herald Sun (Australia)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 20:00:35

ANTI-drugs campaigners are furious that dozens of people caught
trying to smuggle illegal drugs into a Melbourne dance party escaped
with a police warning.

Police with sniffer dogs seized drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy,
amphetamines and the trendy but deadly drugs "ice" and GHB (gamma
hydroxybutyrate) -- from those queueing outside the Summadayze party
at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl on New Year's Day.

One man was nabbed carrying all five drugs and was expected to be
charged on summons with trafficking and other drug offences.

Most others caught trying to smuggle their illegal booty past police
and security guards have escaped a court appearance after promising
to have drug counselling.

Despite the drug-sniffing labradors, several young people were
treated at overdose tents set up at the party.

Ambulances also rushed some to hospital after suspected drug overdoses.

Supt Mick Williams said yesterday that the drugs haul was no surprise.

"While we had about 30 police deployed to accompany the dogs, I'm
confident in saying if we had 60 police there we probably would have
had double the number of arrests," Supt Williams said.

Only four of the 35 caught with drugs will face court.

The rest will get a police caution and counselling as part of the
State Government's drug diversion program, because they had only
small amounts of drugs.

But Crime Victims Support Association president Noel McNamara said
the warning system was a disgrace.

"It's the 'softly, softly' approach in overdrive and it's just not
good enough. It leaves you speechless, really," Mr McNamara said.

He said heavy fines or community-based orders should be mandatory
for those caught with drugs.

"Otherwise it's sending a message of: 'Go for your life, get as many
illicit drugs into you as you like and nothing much is going to
happen to you'," Mr McNamara said.

"I think any parent would rather see their kid hit hard by the law
the first time rather than go to their funeral the next time."

Family values campaigner Bill Muehlenberg joined the call for
tougher penalties.

"It's a bit of a slap on the wrist and not a very hard one at that,"
Mr Muehlenberg said.

"Drugs are illicit because they're dangerous and these drugs in
particular can kill, but this is hardly going to scare any kid off drugs."

A 35-year-old Northcote man and 34-year-old Yarraville man are
expected to be charged with trafficking and possession, and two
others will face possession charges.

Supt Williams promised more drug raids at other dance parties and rave events.

"I don't care where the event is being held," he said.

"If it's being held within the City of Melbourne, people will find
that we'll be there with the drug dogs."
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