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News (Media Awareness Project) - Philippines: Less Drug Charges Filed In 05 - RTC
Title:Philippines: Less Drug Charges Filed In 05 - RTC
Published On:2006-01-03
Source:Mindanao Times (Philippines)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 19:59:25

THE judge of the lone special drug court at the Regional Trial Court
(RTC) told reporters yesterday that there are less drug charges filed
in court in the past year than in 2004.

Judge Renato Fuentes said that from the 20 cases filed weekly in 2004
it was reduced to only five cases weekly in 2005.

Fuentes attributed this decrease to the successful raid of the
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) on a shabu laboratory in
Dumoy, Toril that resulted to the death of six Taiwanese last December
31, 2004.

The judge said the success of the raid on the shabu laboratory
allegedly owned by Allan Sy struck fear on shabu pushers and users or
suffer the consequences of their action.

"The successful raid had really instilled fear among pushers and
users," Fuentes said.

Despite the reduced filing of drug charges in violation of R.A. 9165
the past year, Fuentes reiterated his call for the creation of another
special drug court in the city.

The judge said although the drug menace had been reduced in the city,
the sources of drugs still exist which makes it necessary for the
creation of another drug court.

"Davao City is also a growing city which makes the creation of another
special drug court a necessity," the judge said.
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