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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: LTE: Property Seizure Would Discourage Drug Activity
Title:CN BC: LTE: Property Seizure Would Discourage Drug Activity
Published On:2006-01-04
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 19:57:09

Re: Suspected electricity theft alerts police as marijuana-growing
operation found, Dec. 31

I'm bewildered by our nation's failure to fully implement a law in
which all drug-producing property, including the dwelling and the
land on which it's built, would consistently be confiscated by the
law and liquidated through auction, with any proceeds going toward
law enforcement.

If the renting property owners don't particularly favour such a
staunch law, perhaps they should then be more vigilant in ensuring
that no drug-production activity is occurring on their property.

Frank Sterle, Jr.

White Rock
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