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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN SN: PUB LTE: Forbidden Fruit Creates Irresistible Appeal
Title:CN SN: PUB LTE: Forbidden Fruit Creates Irresistible Appeal
Published On:2006-01-05
Source:News Review, The (CN SN)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 19:54:17

I'm writing about Moe Brondum's thoughtful letter: "Follow the lead
of the Dutch for real results" (12-22-05). In Holland marijuana is
sold in coffee shops without criminal sanctions. In the U. S. and
Canada, marijuana is sold by criminals.

Because marijuana is quasi legal in the Netherlands, there is no
"forbidden fruit" appeal like there is in the U. S. and Canada.

Tell any person, especially a child, that they cannot have something,
and they will want it even more. The lure of the "forbidden fruit"
is very powerful.

Legalize, regulate and tax the sale of marijuana and the lure of the
"forbidden fruit" will soon disappear.

Kirk Muse

Mesa, Ariz.
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