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News (Media Awareness Project) - Canada: LTE: Unclean Hands
Title:Canada: LTE: Unclean Hands
Published On:2006-01-03
Source:National Post (Canada)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 19:53:05

This letter is to any reader who engages in recreational drug use:
solid citizens who use a little Ecstasy or perhaps some weed from time to time.

They may believe, as I do, that drugs should be legal and that the
sooner society moves in this direction, the sooner there will be an
end to the drug-related crimes that threaten our society. But while
drugs remain illegal, anyone who buys them is helping to fund the
death and mayhem that killed Jane Creba in Toronto on Boxing Day.

So while these readers may be genuinely appalled at her death, they
should take a moment to look at their hands. Those hands were not at
the scene of the crime and have probably never held a semi-automatic
pistol, but because they are the hands of a drug-user, those soft,
clean hands contributed to Jane's death.

Peter Strachan

Ajax, Ont.
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