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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: Raid Charge Stayed
Title:CN BC: Raid Charge Stayed
Published On:2006-01-04
Source:Vancouver 24hours (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 19:51:55

The Crown has stayed charges against one of the men linked with the
raid on the provincial legislature, 24 hours has exclusively learned.

Mandeep Sandhu, a former executive member of the Esquimalt-Juan de
Fuca federal Liberal riding association, was charged with conspiracy
to traffic in marijuana in Sept. 2004. His laywer, Richard Peck,
confirmed those charges were stayed on or about Nov. 7.

Sandhu's cousin, Victoria police Constable Ravinder Singh (Rob)
Dosanjh, was also charged last Dec. 2004 with obstruction of justice
for allegedly counselling Sandhu "make false statements to
law-enforcement officials" about the origin of money seized during a
police search of his residence. A hearing for three other men charged
in connection with the raid is scheduled for Friday in Vancouver.
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