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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: Opposition Calls For Safe Schools Act Repeal
Title:CN ON: Opposition Calls For Safe Schools Act Repeal
Published On:2006-01-05
Source:Toronto 24hours (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 19:43:34

Opposition parties are calling on the province to repeal or fix the Safe
Schools Act as part of any plan to deal with gangs and gun crime in Toronto.

New Democrat Michael Prue says repealing or changing the act would be "a
good start" in dealing with the wave of gun violence in the city.

The zero-tolerance Safe Schools Act, which was implemented in 2000, kicks
kids out school for any violent behaviour or drug use.

The NDP calls the law the "Gang Recruitment Act" because expelled students
have few job skills and nowhere to go, so many gravitate towards gangs.

Conservative Leader John Tory says the act needs to be reviewed because
expelling students isn't the best way to deal with bad behaviour.

Education Minister Gerard Kennedy is reviewing the act and has just
completed a round of public consultations, but no final decisions are
expected until March.
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