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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: LTE: Don't Legalize Drugs
Title:CN BC: LTE: Don't Legalize Drugs
Published On:2006-01-06
Source:Maple Ridge Times (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 19:42:21


Re: Legalize it, tax it, Times, Jan. 3, 2006

It's disturbing that people seriously consider the legalization of a
dangerous and highly addictive drug to be any type of a solution.

Do people really believe that legalization of pot or crystal meth will
stop dealers from pushing drugs on kids and youth? The ingredients and
supplies will still be readily available, and the dealers would still
have a market. The only change I can see happening is that adults who
would otherwise never consider trying drugs would now think of it as
no big deal.

"Hey, it's legal isn't it?" Then when they became addicts, their
families would be left to deal with the pain of addiction.

People keep bringing up prohibition to justify these ideas. If you
actually think that the legalization and "controlled selling" of
alcohol stops youth from drinking, please think again. I cringe to
think about how many of my classmates drove drunk regularly, how many
ended up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning, how many ended up in
violent fights that otherwise wouldn't have happened. Please people,
wake up. It will be a sad day when I hear myself saying that my
children's education is funded by the destructive addictions of others.

Colleen Roy

Maple Ridge
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