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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN ON: Police Officer Back To Court On Drug Charges
Title:CN ON: Police Officer Back To Court On Drug Charges
Published On:2006-01-06
Source:Mississauga News (CN ON)
Fetched On:2008-01-14 19:37:15

Lawyers for a Peel Regional Police officer charged with trafficking
cocaine will have heard the Crown's case against their client by the
time he appears in court on Jan. 20.

Const. Sheldon Cook, 38, a 14-year veteran of the Peel force, is
facing the drug trafficking charges after the RCMP followed a shipment
of cocaine to a home in Cambridge, where they discovered 15 kilograms
of the narcotic with a street value of more than $500,000.

Cook, who worked out of 12 division in Mississauga, also has been
charged with possession of cocaine and breach of trust.

His case came up for the first time Friday in Brampton court, where
the matter was put over to Jan. 20.

Crown prosecutor John North said a disclosure package that outlines
the evidence against the accused will be provided either at the next
hearing or beforehand.

On Jan. 20, a date will be set for a pre-trial hearing, or a
preliminary hearing, North said later.

Cook will be represented by Toronto lawyer Alan Gold, who defended
former Mississauga Ward 5 Councillor Cliff Gyles on charges of
municipal corruption.

As a result of the charges laid against Cook, several defense lawyers
are expected to ask for reviews of convictions in drug cases in which
the officer was involved.

The allegations against Cook have not been proven in court.
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