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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: FDA Warns Of Drug In 'Sleeping Buddha'
Title:US: FDA Warns Of Drug In 'Sleeping Buddha'
Published On:1998-03-11
Source:Orange County Register (CA)
Fetched On:2008-09-07 14:05:30

The Food and Drug Administration warned consumers on Tuesday to stay away
from a product known as Sleeping Buddha, saying it contains a potentially
dangerous prescription drug.

The drug is sold as an herbal alternative to prescription sleeping pills
but contains prescription-strength levels of estazolam, a member of the
abenzodiazepine family.

"Estazolam is known to have serious side effects, including the potential
to cause fetal damage if a pregnant woman consumes the drug," the FDA said
in a statement.

"Also, because this product is a sedative, it poses a special risk to
consumers who take the drug while driving, while operating heavy machines
or while taking other sedative drugs or alcohol," it said.
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