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News (Media Awareness Project) - US: PUB LTE: Drug War Incentives
Title:US: PUB LTE: Drug War Incentives
Published On:2000-02-21
Source:U.S. News and World Report (US)
Fetched On:2008-09-05 03:40:37

While many are expressing shock over the discovery of humans killed by a
drug cartel in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, it is a surprise to no one who has
followed the history of prohibition ["From Bad to Worse," Dec. 13].
Violence and corruption are crucial tools for those who operate in black
markets; those who employ violence with the most ruthlessness and those who
seek corruption on the broadest scale will always control black markets.
The drug war has created the incentive to commit the atrocities being
uncovered in Juarez. Attempts to get "tougher" on drugs will only lead to
more brutality and graft.

Stephen Young
Roselle, Ill.
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