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News (Media Awareness Project) - US IL: Senate Panel OK's Hemp Bill
Title:US IL: Senate Panel OK's Hemp Bill
Published On:2000-02-17
Source:Chicago Tribune (IL)
Fetched On:2008-09-05 03:17:11

ILLINOIS Supporters of a plan to study hemp as a potential new crop for
struggling farmers have scored a small victory.

The Illinois Senate Agriculture Committee voted 6-0 for legislation that
would allow a small amount of hemp to be grown and studied. The measure now
goes to the full Senate.

Hemp, a close cousin to marijuana that is illegal to grow, can be used in
everything from clothing to shampoo. Supporters say it could be a valuable
crop. Critics, however, fear legalizing hemp would be taken as a sign of
softening attitudes on drug use. They also predict hemp production would
make it easier for people to grow marijuana without being detected.
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