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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: Editorial: Don't Let A Few Bad Apples Feed The Rot In
Title:CN BC: Editorial: Don't Let A Few Bad Apples Feed The Rot In
Published On:2006-01-02
Source:Province, The (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-08-19 01:00:58

In the dying days of December, as gunshots rang out in suburban
streets and petty criminals found even an empty fire hall a tempting
target for their thievery, it wasn't hard to conclude that our
once-civilized society was under threat. It began to seem as if you
could not be sure of feeling safe even within the confines of your
own home -- witness the Port Moody woman shot and severely wounded as
she watched TV in her living room.

Traditional ideals of chivalry -- of standing up to the bullies and
bad guys -- were challenged when the would-be heroes themselves were
treated with deadly contempt.

The dreadful scourge of illegal drugs and their devastating impact on
young people seemed to threaten the corruption of a generation.

No doubt for the pimps and pushers, the gun-wielding gangsters and
the cracked-up car thieves, the idea that living free in one of the
greatest cities in the world also carries responsibility is a
laughable proposition.

But without a common code of courtesy and civility, no society can prosper.

The vast majority of British Columbians willingly and generously
contribute to the strength and well-being of their community. They
share a vision of Canadian society that is fair, tolerant,
law-abiding and peaceful. It is their hopes and dreams that must be
defended against rogue elements that threaten to poison the roots of
our social order.
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