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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: OPED: The Case for More Police Resources and Stiff
Title:CN BC: OPED: The Case for More Police Resources and Stiff
Published On:2006-01-03
Source:Province, The (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-08-19 00:42:25

There is a strong perception that our laws, especially those dealing
with serious crimes, are quite lenient. Everyday, one comes across a
number of such incidents that reinforce this perception.

In this context, the current election campaign is an appropriate forum
to bring these issues to the forefront.

Canada is a very caring, inclusive and compassionate country. Our
Charter of Rights and Freedoms truly reflects this. In addition to
welcoming new immigrants with open arms, Canadians are also very
generous to those seeking asylum.

However, it is very unfortunate when some of these people begin to
abuse Canadian hospitality.

Just in the past few weeks there have been some glaring examples of
such abuse. A number of individuals convicted of committing serious
crimes and ordered deported continue to flagrantly abuse the system.

Such individuals need to be either behind bars or turfed

We need to send a strong message to the world that people who flout
our laws will be forced to suffer the consequences.

The same goes for the drug dealers and other criminal

Our lawmakers need to take a serious look at tightening such laws. In
order to do so, there has to be an integrated approach. Such an
approach must include prevention, deterrence and rehabilitation.

Lately, the drug trade -- drug abuse and drug trafficking -- seems to
be the major cause of a lot of crime.

The police and media must be commended for their very proactive
approach in dealing with these problems.

However, they can do only so much.

Providing police with more resources and stiff penalties for drug
dealers should go a long way in addressing this issue.

At the same time, we need to support any police and community driven
initiatives directed at prevention. Both prevention and enforcement
must go hand in hand.

The current federal election campaign provides a good opportunity for
all of us to highlight these issues.

Hopefully, such a discussion and debate will bring about much needed
changes in giving Canadians a better sense of safety and security.

We deserve it.
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