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News (Media Awareness Project) - CN BC: Emery Urges Pot Party To Pull Out, Back NDP
Title:CN BC: Emery Urges Pot Party To Pull Out, Back NDP
Published On:2006-01-04
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Fetched On:2008-08-19 00:42:05

B.C. Marijuana Advocate Is Working For Svend Robinson

Pot politics is colouring the Vancouver Centre election campaign
after B.C. marijuana advocate Marc Emery urged the federal Marijuana
party candidate to pull out in favour of the NDP's Svend Robinson.

But candidate Heath Campbell said Tuesday he is staying, despite
pleas from Emery, founder of the B.C. Marijuana party, that Robinson
needs every vote. Emery, whose provincial headquarters is in the
riding, is not running and is supporting Robinson. He has said he
intends to work for him.

The split has pitted the B.C. party, which backs the NDP, against the
federal party with its more radical anti-establishment agenda. It is
running about 20 candidates across Canada.

Campbell said Tuesday Emery asked him to withdraw at a meeting
Monday. "Officially, for their purposes, I am considering their
offer. But unofficially, I have no intention of stepping down."

Emery is Canada's best-known marijuana activist, having run for
Vancouver mayor. He faces extradition to the U.S. after his
Vancouver-based seed distribution business was busted last summer.

Emery was a candidate in Vancouver Centre in the 2000 election,
attracting 1,116 votes. He did not run in 2004, after agreeing to
support the NDP.

Robinson, a former Burnaby MP, is in a tight race with Liberal
incumbent Hedy Fry for the seat in the diverse urban riding.

"It's a very close race and if 500 votes go to the Marijuana party
that might have otherwise gone to the NDP, they could lose the
election, said Marijuana party of Canada leader Blair Longley, who
expects his candidate to stay the course.

Robinson's campaign manager, Sean Hill, agreed the race is tight but
said there is no connection between the NDP and the B.C. Marijuana party.
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