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» Tamerax répondu dessus Sun 2 Nov, 2003 @ 11:35pm. Posted in extinction review.
Coolness: 52745
i guess everywhere neophyte went they cut there sets
» Tamerax répondu dessus Sun 2 Nov, 2003 @ 11:29pm. Posted in !_!_!_!_! - Scream - !_!_!_!_!.
Coolness: 52745
Everyone is talking about the Ottawa Area...how the hell did I miss this??? ;)
» Tamerax répondu dessus Sun 2 Nov, 2003 @ 2:31pm. Posted in !_!_!_!_! - Scream - !_!_!_!_!.
Coolness: 52745
Originally posted by CAPTAIN PUFF...

neophyte was kina anal (haha) ppl were like: can i touch your hand, or have an autograph, wtv, ann he wuld be like YEAH YEAH1 *fake smile* ha ha., NO *dirty look* like, why would i touch a dirty schweaty raver, you dirty schweaty raver! it was funny, but sukd for the poeple who were all excited to get a piece of him.

I dunno man...all 3 of them seemed pretty cool. I had a few of my friends go up and talk with them for a quiet a while and they said they were really chill..even for guys who had their gear stolen.
» Tamerax répondu dessus Sun 2 Nov, 2003 @ 2:27pm. Posted in Ottawains at SCREAM?.
Coolness: 52745
i was there..i'm cool ;)
» Tamerax répondu dessus Sun 2 Nov, 2003 @ 2:37am. Posted in !_!_!_!_! - Scream - !_!_!_!_!.
Coolness: 52745
Nostrum played some REALLY cool tunes
Got to see a lot of people i haven't seen in a while.
Really nice venue
Cold running water in the bathrooms is always a plus.

Some headlines didn't show up
Neophyte got there gear stolen thus delaying their set and cutting it into a fraction of what it was supposed to be.
long ass line outside
too damn hot upstairs
a line to go back downstairs???
Slippery floors
bitchy security
bitch of a waitress at one of the bars upstairs that yelled at me for not tipping her before i even had a chance to get the rest of my cash out.
Nostrum didn't play a live set.
The decks were skipping alot downstairs during Nostrum's set.
hearing about some crazy politics that envolved having people's tickets ripped up.
A lot of my friends didn't show up, make it in or just never saw them cause of the crowd.
No booze (my drug of choice)
Does anyone there know how to use a compressor on any of the soundsystems? the everytime time there was a build and a drop, the volume would cut 2 seconds into the tune.

So in all honestly...the music was amazing but everything else was kinda meh. I did end up paying over $100 if you include ticket and gas for my trip up there and I don't think it was worth that. Mabey if the venue had fans and neophytes set was complete, then it would have been worth it.
Respect though to those who are still throwing the big ass parties...I haven't been to one of that size in a long time so that was nice.
» Tamerax répondu dessus Mon 25 Aug, 2003 @ 5:06am. Posted in Push The Limit 3.
Coolness: 52745
good times :)

Thats about all i gotta say for now....

soo lazy....
» Tamerax répondu dessus Wed 16 Jul, 2003 @ 2:53pm. Posted in for some reason i'm moving to montreal...
Coolness: 52745
god no
» Tamerax répondu dessus Wed 16 Jul, 2003 @ 1:50am. Posted in for some reason i'm moving to montreal...
Coolness: 52745
"corey remember about supersound!!!!"

how can i...you remind me every 10 mins :)

"yeah noah building is like rite in the middle of downtown so its great!!!"

i need a price
» Tamerax répondu dessus Wed 16 Jul, 2003 @ 1:23am. Posted in for some reason i'm moving to montreal...
Coolness: 52745
"I thought u told me you found places already?"

i said i found places for rent like 2 weeks ago...didn't say i wanted any of them or if they were still available. ;)
» Tamerax répondu dessus Tue 15 Jul, 2003 @ 9:08pm. Posted in for some reason i'm moving to montreal...
Coolness: 52745
great thanks guys!...i gotta plan some to be in town for a few days to really find a good place.

Nymph: if you could look into it for me that would be great!
» Tamerax répondu dessus Tue 15 Jul, 2003 @ 11:10am. Posted in for some reason i'm moving to montreal...
Coolness: 52745
..not quite sure why...but i am.

anyways, i need a place to live. i'm asking just anyone for advice cause i don't know fuck all about montreal's houseing issues...ie: rent and where to live and where not to live.

I wanna spend somewhere between $300 - $550...one or two bedroom place. parking would be nice. Where should i be looking?
Does anyone know of a place or are moving out of there place september 1st?
i'm not a fan of roomates but if it the right deal and a cool person, i might be into it.

so yeah....suggestions, websites, etc..would be of much help.
» Tamerax répondu dessus Tue 15 Jul, 2003 @ 11:01am. Posted in Newsflash! Ottawa Invades Ravewave!.
Coolness: 52745
damn...i'm moving to montreal...now i'm stuck on this board ;)

» Tamerax répondu dessus Thu 10 Jul, 2003 @ 7:44pm. Posted in Teknival -- July 11-12-13.
Coolness: 52745

Ai be a pirate, matey!
» Tamerax répondu dessus Wed 25 Jun, 2003 @ 10:18am. Posted in Party d'la Saint - Jean.
Coolness: 52745
Not too much more i can say about that. I was expecting a few more people but in the end, it didn't matter at all cause i was just having way too much to care.
Thanks to Vince from bring The Middle Man and myself down from Ottawa for this. It was nice to see the montreal guys still know how to kick it at 9:00 in the morning.
Also thanks to Andrieanne for all the cool pics and to her friends for the support.
Also, Tyrant and his buddy...keeping the truck cru alive ;)

sooo...yeah....after a good 14 hours of sleep..i can finally think straight.
Till next guys (Source of Light festival), have fun!

ps: Come to Movement on June 30th. :D
» Tamerax répondu dessus Thu 12 Jun, 2003 @ 6:16am. Posted in Canada day.
Coolness: 52745
[ synergy.xvi.com ]

here's whats going on up here in ottawa on June 30th.

theres also a giant free outdoor block party going on canada day itself but its all house and prog.
» Tamerax répondu dessus Thu 12 Jun, 2003 @ 6:12am. Posted in Impact.
Coolness: 52745
I enjoyed myself course i was only there for from 4:00 till 6:45 (we came down with bubblecore). I really get a kick out of montreal parties. So different from any other place i've been too.
I enjoyed Tyrants set, bubblecore's set, talking to those people i met at Accelerated Culture, the girl in front of bubblecore with the black hair, and just goofing off with the middle man behind bubblecore while he was playing.
Things i didn't like...too damn hot and the fact we got there in time for the sunrise.
» Tamerax répondu dessus Sat 31 May, 2003 @ 10:24am. Posted in Accelerated Culture.
Coolness: 52745
Thanks to everyone who came out to support this great event. It was my first time spinning in montreal and I had a blast. (FYI: I was the dj in the second room from 4:30 till it closed at 6:30). I hope to be doing again soon. Also, I noticed a few people took some pictures of me while i was spinning. I'd really like to see so if someone would so kind as to point in the right direction or email them to me...that would be great.

If anyone wants to see the most of last nights line-up PLUS 3 other rooms of headliners, tonight in Ottawa is the sister party...TWO TRIBES. Info can be found at [ www.repenttokyo.com. ]

So once again, thanks to the promoters and to the montreal party kids for making my night great.

ps...sweet damn did they have a kicking system in the main room
Tamerax's Profile - Community Messages