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» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Mon 22 Oct, 2007 @ 7:55pm. Posted in FBI Top 11 Deaths Of The Year.
Coolness: 76990
Dans chaque situation il y a un motif tellement clair... ou un accident qui est facile à expliquer. Les agents de la (le?) FBI sont les meilleurs detectives des Etats-Unis, alors j'imagine c'est un question d'interrogation et du science forensique.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Mon 22 Oct, 2007 @ 7:45pm. Posted in Halloween costume: what it dew.
Coolness: 76990
How did that baby know to put on that perfect a facial expression? Pure genius...
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 20 Oct, 2007 @ 8:37pm. Posted in Happy Birthday Host One!!!!.
Coolness: 76990
Happy birthday dude...
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 20 Oct, 2007 @ 8:35pm. Posted in Halloween costume: what it dew.
Coolness: 76990
That's not Raccoon Mario, that's Tanuki Mario.

Mise à jour » JasonBeastly a écrit dessus Sat 20 Oct, 2007 @ 8:35pm
Yeah this would be the ultimate costume.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 20 Oct, 2007 @ 8:18pm. Posted in un article dans le journal?? mais c'est qui le gros con...???.
Coolness: 76990
All these old faces and new faces again. Sacha looks like he's doing his progressive trance DJ pose in that last one. Innit, mate? DJ Tiesto mate, fookin avin it was I, yeah? So I get this idear, I sez to me Moom, put the budgie away, yeah, let's 'ave a pint. Then it 'its me mate, and I 'ad me pose, right there. Innit.

Mise à jour » JasonBeastly a écrit dessus Sat 20 Oct, 2007 @ 8:24pm
Eh oui Mathieu t'es ou maintenant? Dans un club de Steaktonic?
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 20 Oct, 2007 @ 7:46pm. Posted in Any Christians in the house?.
Coolness: 76990
All hail Discordia! ERIS GO BRAGH.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 20 Oct, 2007 @ 7:44pm. Posted in Any christians into house?.
Coolness: 76990
I love to hear house when I eat in a fancy restaurant. That or white yuppie jazz. Well, they play them both on the same station so win-win. Zero 7 is totally killer dude.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 20 Oct, 2007 @ 7:35pm. Posted in The worst thing ever posted on Youtube..
Coolness: 76990
Shit man, whenever I give four year olds ecstasy they die on me and then I have to find a new landfill site in which to dump the remains.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 20 Oct, 2007 @ 7:18pm. Posted in Anyone krump?.
Coolness: 76990
White guys from try to get do that shit and wind up with TECKTONIC... gay-ass dancing to crappy lame techno.

Like you know when you watch something and you kind of start crying because you realize that someone is actually that pathetic? That's what happens when I watch this dance.

Krumping, by contrast is pretty sick and looks like some kind of crazy cathartic violence. I kind of want to see people throw that shit down to VSnares or something.

» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 20 Oct, 2007 @ 6:13pm. Posted in synthetique(the new ketamine).
Coolness: 76990
Hey un k-hole est un dosage, svp ne donne pas tes opinions en place de la vérité. C'est pas pour défendre la kétamine ni l'addiction c'est juste que ton definition n'est pas correct. C'est tout simplement un dosage qui te rend presque anesthesié, mais pas encore. C'est une genre de trip psychotropique et intense ou t'hallucines fort et t'as l'effet de sortir de ton corps. Je ne dis ça pas d'un coté décentré, je dis simplement le definition correct d'un K-hole. C'est clair que tu n'aimes pas le kétamine, mais hein, je n'aime pas le happy hardcore mais je dis pas la merde sur les threads de HHC. Il y a aucun but de donner de la misinformation juste parce-que t'es contre l'usage d'un drogue. Si t'as vraiment d'affaires en bloquer les discussions sur la kétamine alors achête-toi un placard et commences-un rassemblement de protestation ou quelque chose.

Pis, je ne fais pas souvent la kéta (chaque trois mois), mais quand je le fais j'aime faire les k-holes. Et si tu lisait quelque chose sur [ erowid.org ] sur le sujet peut-etre t'auras quelque chose a dire. Sinon tes infos sont nulles.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 20 Oct, 2007 @ 5:52pm. Posted in Breakcore and beer!.
Coolness: 76990
Something's coming up on the 17th too at Pote:tr... stay tuned...
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Thu 18 Oct, 2007 @ 3:25pm. Posted in BELLADONAKILZZ !!! oh my fuc...god !$%#@%.
Coolness: 76990
Yo whatever dude these guys are wicked producers even if they have a silly project going on. This should be a good night even if BDK is sorta wack. That's partially their whole joke - and no I don't think they're DnB either.

At any rate Sincere Trade kicks ass and I haven't seen these guys in a while. Nobody said you had to go Alex but don't go on a rampage about what you think of BDK.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Thu 18 Oct, 2007 @ 3:17pm. Posted in Finding Out Who Blocked You On MSN.
Coolness: 76990
There's always Adium, which has barely any "useful" features like this and kind of looks nice. *cough*pieceofcrap*cough*
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Thu 18 Oct, 2007 @ 3:14pm. Posted in Zeitgeist ::: R U for the truth?? I Dare You....
Coolness: 76990
This is one of the definitions of Christianity floating around the interweeb:

The belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

That said those videos are always interesting but the tone of some of them is ultra-sensationalist. I believe they call that kind of stuff second-wave cinema, because ultimately it just popularizes the subject but offers no real solution. In a sense the sort of hysteria worked up over so-called "leftist" media like this becomes the only result of what they discuss and nobody really knows what to do but wave placards and get tear-gassed. Of course if the film was telling us to bomb public buildings to disable the capitalist infrastructure then everyone watching the film could be arrested for conspiracy or something.

So really my question is, should one necessarily side with the right or the left, or keep one's self out of these primitive dichotomies and think for one's self? Isn't the best approach to inform yourself while taking everything with a grain of salt?
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Wed 17 Oct, 2007 @ 4:48am. Posted in Montreal RaveWave Dj Vote.
Coolness: 76990
Um I have been spinning NU NRG for a while now under the name DJ Other and variously I have my excellent epic trance moniker, DJ Verdun. I am offended by this unwarranted mockery.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Mon 15 Oct, 2007 @ 9:43pm. Posted in Breakcore and beer!.
Coolness: 76990
Zoobizarre gets a good crowd, even for small-time things that are strictly breakcore. This particular night went really well, and I'm hoping that some of the people who turned out for it hit the next Random event and the pote:tr event two days later... at any rate that weekend is all about it, and from my experience there are plenty of people who would go if they just knew where it was going on.

Anyways give me flyers, I'll give you flyers, we'll all see each other all that weekend.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Mon 15 Oct, 2007 @ 9:31pm. Posted in Stoned 46 Year Old Baby.
Coolness: 76990
That's like that South Park episode where Randy takes the 100 Couric crap.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sun 14 Oct, 2007 @ 7:14pm. Posted in Pog.
Coolness: 76990
I dunno, wouldn't it suffice to laminate 2 inch rounds of cardboard with drawings on them? I could never figure out why people bought pogs. And when I used to play it in high school we'd just play with one pog. If it's heads you keep it, tails you lose it. Very simple rules, and easy for kids who are on a budget.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 13 Oct, 2007 @ 11:02pm. Posted in Where Daft Punk got their samples from.
Coolness: 76990
I know they dipped into Yellow Magic Orchestra a few times... doesn't surprise me.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 13 Oct, 2007 @ 11:01pm. Posted in Persepolis.
Coolness: 76990
Yes moohk I'd love to borrow the graphic novel sometime, bring it to the teuf?
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 13 Oct, 2007 @ 10:57pm. Posted in Oh les caca!!!.
Coolness: 76990
Yes this is an ad for something it seems... Tipsy T's getting publicity I assume... argh... enough already with the HHC.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 13 Oct, 2007 @ 10:53pm. Posted in Help me understand you please.
Coolness: 76990
Make Money
Drink Beers
Smoke Herb
Fuck Bitches

What else is there? Bragging about it is a sign of the severe loneliness from working at shitty jobs forever just to get by, then realizing you had to turn your back on everything and everyone in order to crawl to the top of the shitpile. Then all you got is your money to keep you company, and maybe your partner if you're lucky, but even then, it's the mutual loneliness of having everything you thought you wanted and having nothing you can fall back on but saying "I make this much money" and "I have these assets" in a plea for what you thought it would get you: recognition.

You just gotta be humble and work through life, then learn to turn your prosperity (if you attain it) into something that enriches not only your life but that of everyone you know. It doesn't give you credentials if you make a good salary, it doesn't make you a better person, it doesn't make your arguments more true. And whatever cultural generalizations you want to make, bragging about money is a sign of class, not as in classiness, but where you are on the horrid hierarchical pyramid. And other people resent it horribly having people put their salaries in their faces. What the fuck do I care if someone's got a desk job where they somehow get paid $22/hr for doing something roughly akin to raping babies? I'd rather be a humble dishwasher than do something like harass people about debts or try to sell them shit they don't need. Sure you get paid well for it but what about your soul?

Personally I'm glad I don't have a shitload of assets, makes it easier around tax time because the taxman has nothing on me. He just owes me a fat return.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Sat 13 Oct, 2007 @ 10:31pm. Posted in A question for men....
Coolness: 76990
So who here likes porn?
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 12 Oct, 2007 @ 3:47am. Posted in A question for men....
Coolness: 76990
The BFG's are better than Minor Threat? As if...
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 12 Oct, 2007 @ 3:42am. Posted in Help Me Throw A Better Party.
Coolness: 76990
Mikos, you make a great analogy so I would like to take that ball and roll with it a bit...

Should a painter decide "I am an impressionist" or "I am a surrealist" just because society dictates the need for a pigeon-hole? If as many an art critic, art professor, and philosopher of our so-called post-modern era has been observing, postmodernity is characterized by the appropriation of everything that came before, then the mash-up, the confluence of all ideas, genres, classes, and styles, is the most relevant form of expression today.

What I mean to say is, rather than saying "I am an -ist" we obliterate the -isms and go forth replicating everything that we have ever sensed. For music (as with art), I feel that this culmination is to become an extremely prolific creator of anything we like, regardless of what cadre it falls into. Personally I find that the only thing stringing together all my creative expressions, be they visual art, music, theatre, how I dance, is me. There isn't an external idea that I subscribe to.

Likewise I feel that, as you said last of all (fucking stellar point btw) "the best thing... to do would be to make a rave that reflect[s] our scene, our eclectic and large taste." BANG ON. Many of us are frequenting many different parties, loving every one of them, wishing it would come together, wishing for a sense of unity in the midst of it all. I think the ideal party is hence one that pleases everyone, without having to try too hard to do so. Our "scene" (if by that you mean the members of this online community) is eclectic as hell, so I see the culmination of that idea being something like a Teknival where each genre represents, without hating or competing with the next stage over (like, don't point your speakers at the other stages and turn it up to drown them out, that's just rude). It's happened before and we all know it. It can happen again. The key is to not let it turn into some corporate WEMF crap, but for it to be open and focused on a union of tribes so to speak.

Besides all that - I feel that the most important thing each of us can do is network, encouraging the people who have the connections in each scene to make the best of them. It is not important that one person takes the helm and does all the uniting themselves. Otherwise it is nothing but oligarchy, hierarchy, a popularity contest. It is more important that we promote people we know who are creators of the sound, of the music, of the expressions, that we do the best with what we have at our disposal, that we use our networks to foster unity. And as any writer will tell you, you must go with what you know. Don't delve into a genre of music you know nothing about, but rather get specialists their genres and encourage collaboration. Because I'm sure that's what we all know best - making friends and contacts, getting them working together, being a liaison, each of us a little hub with millions of spokes that branch in all directions. Express, and encourage expression, and organize a community. Done, you say? Then the next step is to decide what this community can do together to create the ultimate bad-ass party.

Sorry if I sound like a dork in all that, but that is what I see as being the nature of life. And it's best to flow with what is natural.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 12 Oct, 2007 @ 3:10am. Posted in Student tasered at John Kerry Speech.
Coolness: 76990
Yeah that's for sure. You think you'll get big and then have a bunch of people publicize your pathetic personal life. I really don't get what you're proud of but your logic is flawed, you're getting the loser medal, that's about it.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 12 Oct, 2007 @ 3:08am. Posted in A question for men....
Coolness: 76990
Ah I see... so you and your girlfriend started this post to get attention? She wanted people to console her about your compulsive self-love and you wanted to show off the kind of plastic tits you get off on? And you're proud? It's funny, even your profile pic makes you look like you're jerking off, all sweaty haired and shit.

Wait I got your next response... you should tell us to talk to the hand, because your bitch is in a corner crying and rubbing her underfucked pussy.

» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 12 Oct, 2007 @ 2:57am. Posted in A question for men....
Coolness: 76990
Man, you know what I would jerk off to? DJ_Dirty Twat Milker getting tazed in the balls over and over again while he sings O Canada and goes on about how people should stop trying to get more civil liberties.

Hustler man. That shit is for children. You could have at least posted something from Nubiles or Met-Art, but Hustler? Wack. Like the sound your dick makes when it gets all limp looking at your girlfriend's vertical smile.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 12 Oct, 2007 @ 2:37am. Posted in Persepolis.
Coolness: 76990
I really love Satyricon and 8 1/2.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 12 Oct, 2007 @ 2:36am. Posted in Persepolis.
Coolness: 76990
Shit Moohkstar have you got this film? If so, are you planning on getting a bunch of people to watch it? I'm down!

Mise à jour » JasonBeastly a écrit dessus Fri 12 Oct, 2007 @ 2:36am
OIC Ex-centris... fuck I have to work.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 12 Oct, 2007 @ 2:28am. Posted in Student tasered at John Kerry Speech.
Coolness: 76990
Man Dj DTM, why the fuck, first of all, do you know my name? I didn't introduce myself to you. It ends with a K, as well, but whatever. Fucking weirdo stalker... please don't address me on a first name basis until I meet you in person and tell you my name. We're not friends and at this rate we're not likely to be. I'm much more in the camp of people who would enjoy watching you get tazed by a new RCMP recruit because the country will be crawling with tazer-wielding cops soon enough.

And why are you such a goddamned nationalist? You deserve that fucking swastika dude. I criticize ANY country that violates civil liberties by tapping people's phones. What the hell did my parents do to deserve phone tapping and blacklisting? Affiliation with an anti-capitalist movement? Exercising their freedom to organize? The CPCML used to be the only decent Marxist-Leninist party in Canada and now they're corrupt... why? Because of infiltration by an organization from down south. Bottom line, it doesn't matter how free a decent propaganda program makes you think you are, we would be wage-slaves like in any dictatorship if there wasn't a healthy level of protest, dissent, and resistance. I hate hearing people like you tell lefties to shut up because you want to wave the fucking flag all over the place. Man, are you ever in bed with the tories.

It's not a free country, because it's not a free world. If freedom came along you wouldn't know what to do with it. You'd go crying to your mother for a government to come along and save you. Certainly we are lucky to live in a country that is as liberal as Canada and hell yeah, I'm happy that we have freedoms and that we are able to live more easily than many countries in Africa (so no I'm not whining about my rather spoiled life up here), but the logic your arguments use reminds me of Bill O' Reilly: Canada am the greatest, me am the greatest, me worked with Density's WEMF festival (the sketchiest party in all North America by the way) all those who argue with me should shut up because me not want to sound wrong, and then thinking you have the right to bore the fuck out of everyone with your egotistical ranting? And your string of fallacious counter-arguments with are almost always self-sealing arguments, like "If you don't agree with me get out". You sound like such a neo-fascist nationalist dweeb. WEMF man. Seriously. How the fuck can you be proud of being an über-corporate raver? I don't care how old school you are. I know that that kind of crappy overcrowded party run by crooks has been around for a long time but it doesn't mean that you have clout. In fact you're the kind of thing I think people want to see fade away into obscurity. And you will, mark my words. There is nothing cutting-edge or current about what you are doing and you're just hanging on to relics of the past.

Betty, just quit rising to the bait already, the dude sounds like an idiot, you said it already, it's totally clear, but you getting all in his face doesn't make you seem any smarter really. You're sinking to his level. And as his mixes show that's a pretty inferior level.

BTW DTM your girlfriend is a twink. She posted that stupid Wiggles video twice AND I NEARLY PUKED MY FUCKING PANTS! What a load of horrid HHC crap! So step off before I kick you so hard in the teeth you have to stick a toothbrush up your ass to get at them. Fuckhead.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 12 Oct, 2007 @ 1:48am. Posted in Breakcore and beer!.
Coolness: 76990
Unfortunately, this night didn't go late enough (I'm already home and it's not 2 yet!!! Come on!) but I was really happy to see a decent crowd at a breakcore night. That's what we need, more BREAKCORE!!!!! Anyone doing breakcore production or spinning it or collecting it and not spinning it enough contact me, I'm eager to start up regular breakcore parties with a collaboration of our local talents (and yes, we have quite a few) and people I know from Toronto, where the scene is quite popular. This is long overdue in Montreal and I know you all love it, so let's talk people. I want to see this take off and I know it can. Looks like Zoo Bizarre is the place. Why weren't any of you people at Berzerk Domination though? It's not often that we get people coming in from Belgium and that was the Montreal debut of the legendary Skeeter! Weeeah weeah, I know...

In other news, the incredible label Sublight is now defunct, and a bunch of cats (Belladonnakillz, Synthamesk) are now floating around in label-less limbo. I think more shows are definitely in order!

Props to the people who put this on, and keep it up!
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Fri 12 Oct, 2007 @ 1:40am. Posted in Oct 27 TORONTOMake It Funky-Krafty Kuts-Killa Kela-Jimmy Swift Band.
Coolness: 76990
Makes me think of the old Breakfest parties at the now-defunct El Mocambo... Big League Chu and Robb G were residents there for a long time. That used to be my regular haunt in Toronto. Keep it breakin'... I'll see if I can go.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Thu 11 Oct, 2007 @ 4:28am. Posted in I Hate . . ..
Coolness: 76990
I hate sleep disorders and the lack of sunlight.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Thu 11 Oct, 2007 @ 4:22am. Posted in Help Me Throw A Better Party.
Coolness: 76990
"Rave" and "After Hours"
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Thu 11 Oct, 2007 @ 4:21am. Posted in Bike Path Downtown..danger.
Coolness: 76990
Actually lasers kind of go MMMMMMMMMMMMZZZZZZZZZ. But it's just the motor making that sound.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Thu 11 Oct, 2007 @ 4:15am. Posted in Emo.
Coolness: 76990
How come people always make fun of suicidally depressed people while trying to diss "Emo's" (sic)? I don't find suicide very funny, it destroys communities when it happens, and I'm still torn up about two friends of mine who did themselves in a few years ago in horrific ways who were by no means emo... wrist-slitting is not funny, it's horrific... people fucking spray the walls, and if they survive it they have the ugliest scars ever. These particular people didn't do it to get attention, they were at the end of their ropes. Man, it feels like shit trying to figure out what the fuck happened, and sometimes it's not selfishness, it's just that your good friends have completely lost their minds. I once saw a woman in a psych ward who had slit her wrists the wrong way many times, one under the other, and literally had a series of bumpy scabs along each cut up each arm. I'm really tired of everyone posting this fucking along the road shit. It's getting old and I really don't get the point. I know I joked about it on another page because this new wave of emo kids is totally pathetic and I also want them to die... but something really creeps me out about correcting people on how to slit their wrists. Even if it's a joke.

I used to love Emo when it still meant Fugazi, Snapcase, and Quicksand. The people doing it weren't depressed or anything, they just got really into their music and put on good shows, and it didn't even have any semblance to this Good Charlotte crap. And it was often pretty tight shit which didn't sound wussy - good dynamics and weird time signatures. In fact it was closer to what they now dub screamo, but not bullshit like Alexisonfire... the whole thing about it was sounding completely tortured by something while singing, not whining about "how could this happen to me". It got associated with crap like Sunny Day Real Estate by the record industry and then it slid downhill... SDRE btw were some sort of Seventh-Day-Adventist indie group, man did I ever despise them.

Now that said I've never been a big fan of the original emo look either but it was a hell of a lot cooler than this appropriated pop nonsense that involves all the eyeliner and gel and crap. And I still think the black shirt/red tie combo looks bad-ass, as long as it's not some douchy kid pulling it off. EC8OR used to dress like that for their shows and they were far from emo - look em up, DHR, Alec Empire's label. There was a hell of a lot of decent music in that category and now it means something else... sound familiar? Think of the following:

What does R&B mean today? What did it mean back in the 60s?
What does House refer to today? What was it back in 1988?
What does Hardcore refer to today? What did it mean back in 1991? (This one is ok though, we know why it evolved)
What does Electro refer to today? What did it mean in 1985?

YOU ARE BEING LIED TO. The new Coke doesn't taste anything like the old Coke. In fact there's something missing, it used to have that kick and my grandfather couldn't stop drinking it.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Thu 11 Oct, 2007 @ 3:52am. Posted in The Techno Viking.
Coolness: 76990
Ya live up to your name unseen, you obviously weren't paying attention and now the technoviking is WUTEND! (That's angry in German which is ten thousand times angrier)
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Thu 11 Oct, 2007 @ 3:49am. Posted in hey hardcore headz wo doesn't check the music section!!!.
Coolness: 76990
Now you've ruined everything and the children are all dead.
» JasonBeastly répondu dessus Thu 11 Oct, 2007 @ 3:49am. Posted in HAPPY TALK LIK E A PIRATE DAY! Arrrrrr Maties!.
Coolness: 76990
Arrr there be plenty of worthy seamen aboard and the poopdeck is shining... a fine day to catch a whale. Call me Ishmael.
JasonBeastly's Profile - Community Messages